After discussion with some key members of the club it has been decided that the best course of action if to suspend meetings at the moment. As we all understand the importance of good beer in our lives, we also know we enjoy our home made malty and hoppy beverages are best when shared with friends. This is what makes our club exciting and special is the group and the dynamics of members. Our social platform is also a very potentially risky scenario for many in our club.
More information will come as time clocks on and notifications will be conveyed. While some of us face new challenges regarding preparedness for staying at home with our families and not having enough beer to make it through. This might also be a good time to look forward to new projects and our next brew sessions.
We are fortunate enough to still have a completely sterile environment for the club over on the forums. We have picked up some traction lately as now email notifications for new threads are pushed to all registered members. This has been and will continue to be a great place to keep the conversation going and to share the hobby we have all come to love.
I am sure members will still have their own meetups and interactions during this time. It can be nice the share these beer moments with the rest of the club to keep the brewing moral high and the future continuing to look bright.
Cheers of great health and longevity to all beer lovers worldwide!