OTMP — Online meeting for December Meeting 12-16 November Meeting Recap

Club Update: 
Evan has a busy week and won't be at the meeting on Wednesday, so this is Ryan here filling in. Or a coup may have happened. The OTMP elections were rigged, check the ballots, I clearly won!

Before we get into the meeting details, I do want to mention that a great deal of our local breweries are struggling mightily with the current COVID-19 restrictions. Now is the time to go directly to your local brewery and buy to-go beer. Visit outside on those once-in-awhile warm December-January days and have a few pints. I know the liquor store is more convenient, but if we don't support the local guys directly, we're going to lose too many of them soon.

While there are plenty breweries that I appreciate, two stick out personally:

– Frolic Brewing in Broomfield. Chris was a member of my other beer club (KROC) before he started his brewery. He hosts KROC and he's supported the club with both a meeting place and plenty of advice, supplies and connections. He donates to the local community regularly as well as firefighters and hospital workers. There are probably 30 breweries closer to my home, but I've made it a point to visit for a meal and a couple beers every so often.

– Bierstadt Lagerhaus. This is my favorite brewery. The only brewery out here that I'm aware of that essentially makes three regular beers. But they make 'em damn well, better than anyone around at those styles. And Ashleigh, co-owner/head brewer, has always been an open book on the lagering process/recipes/advice to any homebrewer that asks.

So think about the local breweries you'd like to see stick around and send them some business.

This month we're going to be back online again. Thanks to Colter for hosting the zoom meeting. Tell us about what you've been brewing, what you're drinking and anything else interesting that has been going on. These colder months are usually when the big beers start to come out at the meetings. I personally brew and drink big beers year round, same with the yellow fizzy stuff. Most of the time I'm drinking indoors in 70F weather, at least that's how I look at it.

See everyone on Wednesday.

Meeting Info:

Where: Online


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 852 9147 1766
Passcode: 818284



Time: 7:00 pm

November Meeting Recap: 


Evan, Chris, Ryan x2, Jeff A., Aaron, Charles. I may have forgotten 1-2 more, apologies!

Meeting Recap:

The meeting was online, we drank individual beers from the comfort of our own homes. Chris talked some about distilling, Chris and I talked a bit about kveik yeast. Evan was funny. New club member Ryan attended (we tried his brown in October at Jim's). That's all I remember.


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In case you missed it:

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