Where: Online – Google Meets
Location: The Internet
8/18/20 (TUESDAY!)
Time: 7:00pm
July Meeting Recap:
Evn, Ryan, Cody, Voss, Jim S., Gordon, Nicholas, Chuck, Karen + Gretchen, Hurley
Meeting Recap:
Gordon shared some of the information he had questions about in the book “The Lost Art of Farmhouse Brewing”. In the book they listed “POF -/+”. He had never seen this information before and wondered if others in the club had seen this before. As no one had heard it before we looked it up and found; this is commonly labeled for yeasts that have a natural mutation to block phenolic production.
Cody wondered if anyone else brewed the Club competition beet that was announced way back in February. I can say for myself, I forgot all about this event that we were hoping to complete a tasting of this summer. Any other club members out there that brewed it? We could still arrange for this at a future meeting.
Voss: 2 year old Pale ale. Clean and a nice citrus profile that was subdued with time.
Nicholas – German Pils – 5% – A clean beer brewed on L13 – Imperial Global Yeast. A clean lager that is perfect for summer.
Cody – Belgian Golden Strong – At its 15th tasting for club meetings this beer showcased its dry candy backend dryness. This brew has improved over its time but might have diminishing returns at this point.
Jim – Mountain Steam – A clean brew fermented on 2112 California Lager Yeast. Made with domestic pale malt, crystal 55, all Northern Brewer Hops. Kraeusened and cold conditioned in the same way that Anchor Steam is finished.
Evan – Imperial Milk Stout – 3 years old and smoothing out more with time. 11% beer, the lactose really comes through now with age.
Nicholas – Stout – Brewed with Magnum and EKG this 6% beer was aged with charred oak which really comes through pleastently among the roasted malt profile.
Jim S.- Classic Pale Ale. Using Marris Otter and British Crystal 45. All EKG whole cones, and West Yorkshire yeast “Timothy Taylor”. A clean ale that brings you back for more.
Chuck – Double – Brewed on Abby yeast. This beer was from the last July competition. The flavors have mellowed and come into their own.
Voss – Feb 2019 Belgian IPA – 10.2% – Brewed with Mystery X, Chinook. Come in with a huge hop nose. “He hit a double and has runners in scoring position; a great brew!” as noted.
Nicholas – 7% beer with a boatload of hop additions; I have no notes on what style of beer this was, sorry. Brewed on 5/16 this beer featured Chinook, Cascade, and Summit hops and fermented on 1056 American Ale yeast. Featuring a new school west coast flavor profile. This beer was crystal clear and beautiful.
Ryan – Farmhouse Saison – At 9.7% this beer has a nice HAze to it and a sexy farmhouse nose to it.
Gonrdon – Barrel 471 Breckenridge Double IPA. Great boozy beer.