In this edition you can look forward to such articles as:

Hop Rhizome Give-a-way:
Is digging around in the dirt your idea of some fun. Have you ever wanted to cover your garage floor in pollen? Does your homebrewing hobby also need a hobby of its own? Do you have a garden of old hops that have been there for 20 years and they don't produce any longer and you need to rip them out and replace them? You might have the deal of a lifetime coming to you right now.
For the low, low, price of free you can come pick up some hop rhizomes to start your own hop field of your very own.
Thanks to our urban farming brew friend, Andrew Voss, he is giving you the opportunity to grow your own future. He has provided the club with tons of rhizomes to distribute. If you have interest in picking some up, contact Evan, via the club email, respond to this message, or text, 720-480-2124. Available most evenings with advanced warning.
Varieties offered:
Mystery X (limited quantity)
Neo 1 (very limited quantity)

Brewing Books
If you have any interest in the titles below these books are up for the taking from Dean. He will ship them out to whoever wants them. Reply to this email and we can get you in touch with Dean if you don't know him.
Club Update (Info on May Meeting):
As we now thaw out of the winter and begin heading full steem into the summer we can take a moment to think about what it means to have friends to share a beer with. The summer is easily filled with BBQ's, camping trips, fishing, building, evening walks and summer shade where you can enjoy a cold beer. Unwinding from the day with a beer is one thing but unwinding with a beer and a friend is another. It is a moment where the focus is on the experience, the conversation, the jokes and the time spent together to make the experience the best it can be; your beer is always there to melt into the situation, and make your senses tingle even more as it provides the stage for all of the evening's events.
It does appear that more and more club members are notifying each other of vaccination. This is good news as we look forward to how this club comes out on the other side of things. We might not ever have a victory flag showing us that things are normal again or that we are all free and clear, but we do have faith in knowing that some of us can get together to share a beer in comfort again. The club meeting this month will purposefully be smaller and not online. We are planning on a very large meetup in May. Andrew Voss is going to host a garage meeting on May 26th from 7:00-9:30pm in his garage (Note this is a week later than normal). We are looking for anything to make this event more memorable as this has potential to be the real first meeting back as a club.
The club is also actively looking for some members to offer to host meetings in the coming months; June, July, August and September. We have had offerings for backyard, garage, and patio meetups from Andrew, Evan, Aaron, Chuck, and Jeff A. If you think that this is something that you would like to help out with let us know. We are going to have to thrive on the generosity of club members' homes/patios/backyards and garages for warm weather meetups.
Where: Evan brewery
Evans House – 6525 Independence St. 80004 (Enter through the backyard by the trailer) (RSVP if you plan on making it out)
Time: 7:00pm
no online this month
March Meeting Recap:
Aaron, Mick, Gondon, Evan, Charles, Ryan
Meeting Recap:
Can we as a club start a 501(c)(3) organization to educate about the homebrewing process, we could avoid taxes and write off the brewing process on our taxes. Anyone in the club know how to do this?
Aaron – Norwegan Farmhouse Pilsner – Brewed on Kveik yeast. Showcasing a clean appearance this straw colored brew also had hints of a subtle funk. Nice job of showing what
yeast can do to a pilsner beer while keeping it clean.
Charles – Pre Prohibition Lager – 5.4% – This crisp, clear, clean beer was made with Proximity Pils and Munich malts. This beer was a really bold lager with its bready and malty profile.
Charles – Kentuck Common – “Kiss my grits!” Made with grits and highlighting a light and toasty flavor to round out the sweetness.
Mick – Dark English Ale – 5.6% – Done with a brew in a bag technique this medium brown colored beer was light and clean.
Aaron – Double IPA – A Pliney clone – Brewed with 26 oz of hops in a 10 gallon batch. This beer punched you in the face with its aromatics as well as the complex bittering hop profile.
Gondon – Special Unidentifiable Beer #1 – Dark beer with a bit of roast to it and some special floaties in it.
Gondon – Special Unidentifiable Beer #2 – Maybe this beer was an amber? Not sure.