Club Update:
The last meeting reminded me of how much I rely on this club not only as a place to talk about beer but also as a social network. Collectively we are similar minded people that embark on crazy DIY projects of all types. When we gather as a club we can't stop ourselves from making jokes, sharing stories and also relying on each other for opinions and expertise when it is needed. This club is so much more than a beer club, we are defined in the spirit of our nature being active and involved individuals that see beer as one of the vehicles to showcase our talents, artistic expression as well as a way of making a product that brings us together with friends and family. This Thanksgiving, I am thankful for each and every member of this club that brings their own personality and spirit to this club that makes it an amazing experience. Cheers to you, Mr. Homebrew guy!

Can Seamer Update:
The seamer is now ordered as of this last weekend. We went with the B64 ends on the 202 cans, these can be 16oz or 12oz. Ryan is helping us along in securing future cans and ends for use. We are working on gaining an initial stock of cans and ends and figuring out a program that works for all of us to use and store the seamer.
- Paid members are: Gordon, Evan, Colter, Jeff A., Chuck, Aaron, Charles, Ryan.
Five Star Chemicals Promotions:
Sign up for the five star chemicals Homebrewer program. Chris will follow up with more information at the next meeting as to why we might want to do this and the perks involved.

November Meeting – Club Swap Meet:
Back by popular demand our second ever club swap meet will be taking place in November. So dust off those boxes of items that you thought you were going to love and cherish. Go rummage through your freezer for those 8 year old experimental hops that you ever got around to using. Someone just might want your old junk, and better yet, you might get to take home someone else's treasures. So go look around for some of those items cluttering up your space and give them to someone else, it is the true spirit of the season of Thanksgiving

Meeting Info:
Where: Charles Bland's House
Time: 7:00pm
Notes: Please try not to paint the basement ceiling with your homebrew again!
September Meeting Recap:
Charles, Evan, Colter, Aaron, Chris, Nathan, Nate, Jim, Ryan, Chuck, Robin, Jeff A.
Meeting Recap:
What could be better than a cool Fall evening hanging out in Jim's Beer Barn and sipping on some of the finest homebrewed beers in all of Arvada, not much.
- Aaron + Ryan – German Pils – Brewed with nobility hops on a hop stand and Idaho experimental malt. This beer offered a clean bitterness and low CO2 volume and left the palate with a lemony fresh taste.
- Aaron – Bohemian Pils – 5% – Weyermann Pils malt and Hallertau Hops, fermented on 34/70 and step mashed. This beer was very light in color so the sexy mood lighting in the beer barn was changing people's perception of the SRM.
- Evan – Pils – A kveik pilsner made with a simple workingman's recipe. This beer offered a bready quality and it seems that some of the off flavors in the last keg were fixed by letting the beer clean itself up at room temperature for a month. Someone ocmmented it was “tangy”, not sure if this was a good or bad comment, oh well, fuck 'em.
- Charles – Festbeir – Weyermann Pils malt and munich malts. A very clean and fresh beer.
- Chris – Kveik Festbier – Oslo yeast made a feature in this beer. The intense flavor of orange made a highlight in the profile of this beer, someone hit the nail on the head with the comment “It's orange marmalade”
- Jim – Steam Beer – This clean drinking beer was so good we could tell that “the steam was baked right in”
- Nate – SMASH – Crisp Maris Otter and Cashmere hops, this easy drinking beer was well balanced for a SMASH.
- Jim – English Pale Ale – With comments like “It's great”, “Bitterness on Point!”, and “Freshy McFresh”, you know this shit was great.
- Colter – Amber Ale – Made with STEAM HOPS©®™ and brewed in a BEERMKR
©®™ that was designed in BOULDER
©®™, this dry and Bitter beer was fermented on S-04. Reminded me of the tag line “Set it and forget it”
©®™ - Nate – Dunkelweis – 45% Munich and 45% Wheat malts made up this bready beer.
- Chris – ESB – Very dark and Roasty beer tasted a lot like an Old Ale while it rang in at 7%
- Jeff A. -Dunkle – This dry and malty beer has a wonderful color accented by Jims mood lighting. As overheard ” Light and roasty, I will drink some more to keep me toasty”
- Charles – Belgian Strong on Pinot – A 30% Pinot this clean and light combo was described as “A really fucking strong Rosé”, a really interesting and tasty treat.
- Aaron – Fresh Hop Hazy – This big dry hop beer where Aaron told us all of his secrets on how to make beers this delicious. Aaron divulged “The secret is in your bank account” when questioned what he meant by this he responded “For 5 gallons you are going to need to bust out at least a $50 just for the hops, that is how you make them incredible.” Dubbed as Aarons most amazing Hazy, people commented that this beer was “Fucking Incredable!”
- Robin – Chilli IPA – The strong nose of chillies coming off this beer would have you thinking you were in for a real ass kicking, when diving into the tasting the chilli flavor was really muted and fell into the background. The chillies were added to the secondary fermentation and not roasted. Ass overhead while sampling this beer, “I dont have hemorrhoids but I buy my preparation-H wipes at costco.”
- Chris – Imperial Cherry Milk Stout – Comments from this beer included “God dammit Chris! I hate you! You make such fucking good beer!” and another comment of “A deep cherry taste to it, like you are drinking a soda from a 1950's cafe.”
- Ryan – Stout – 20% ABV – This rich, boozy carmel concoction featured an inviting roasty nose.
- Ryan – “Hobo Mead” – Made by a stranger for strangers, it was a strawberry mead.
- Nathan – Carmel Apple Cyser – A surprisingly amazing drink!
- Jeff – Raspberry Black Currant Cider – as overheard “Jeff, god damn! This is fucking great!”
- Jeff – Hyprocrass Strawberry French Liquor – dubbed as “Bozzy Hooch” conjured up comments like “This is what MD20/20 would taste like if it was good”.