End of the Year Update:
With 2021 coming to a close many of us may find time to reflect on what we accomplished in 2021 as well as where we fell short. I, for one can say that this year marked a new low in my volume of brewing, not so much intentional but more so out of necessity of the priority of things in life. If the second year of the pandemic showed me anything it was where my attention had not been for a long time. Mostly with regard to health and mental wellbeing. Over the course of this year I made an effort to correct both of these issues which also meant I needed to drink less and gain focus in areas I had lost focus in 2020. But over the course of this year many achievements and personal goals have been met as well as regaining control over what I do have control over these days. I am in better mental and physical health than I have been in years as well as strengthening the bonds in my family. All of these have been critical to me this year on making smarter choices and returning better outcomes.
I see this all similar to brewing where if your processes and procedures are not good your end product isn't going to end up right. If you cut corners and look for easy answers you will always fall short. If you put in the hard work and effort (along with a little help from knowledgeable friends) you can truly find the way to success. As each of us navigates what will become in 2022, I challenge you to find the things that are holding you back; in brewing, in life and in your career (or retirement, for those lucky bastards that are enjoying that life). Typically, we are our own worst enemy when it comes to putting roadblocks in our own way, usually so apparent to others but virtually non-existent to ourselves. What small changes and efforts can you make to give you better returns?
As the New Year comes around it is typical for people to make resolutions. I usually find these most awful and find it as gimmicky as anything Valentines Day, “Worlds Greatest Dad” coffee mugs, or anything for sale on Wish. I want to know how the club reinvents itself again. We have seen the last 21 months drastically change this club. Many of us know what this club looked like 3, 5 and 7 years ago, or more; what have we lost, what can we bring back, what can we do that is new? I for one will say that I love meeting up at club members' houses, I think it is so much better for all of us. As for things that have been lost over the last nearly 2 years;I can say that I miss group brew days, I have fond memories brewing over at Andrews house as well as Dean's house. I can also add that I miss getting into barrel projects, with all the steps and organization behind these to properly execute. The spirit behind getting 10 guys together to make “one recipe” and then leave it locked in a basement for months on end to only then find out what happened. It is also worth mentioning the “grain club” and the fun that was when it was in its glory.
If you have made it this far into my mind dump, congratulations! I really would like to take a look at this club from a fresh set of eyes and see and plan what we can achieve in 2022. I am not looking for much, just for each of us to look for the small things that we can do to help reinvent this club as well as the things we can do to assist in normalizing this club once again. This club has been a regular social outlet with all of my favorite freaks and geeks, I also know that we are a bit more than just a social club but definitely not a club that sponsors beer TED talks on procedure. I want to know from you, what does 2022 hold from OTMP, and what are you willing to do about it?

Seamer, how does this shit work?:
Gordon, Evan, Colter, Jeff A., Chuck, Aaron, Charles, Ryan.
Let's talk next meeting on who has beer and when Ryan can get us the first order of cans. Let's get something canned.