March Update:
When March rolls around a few things come to the homebrewers mind; shall I brew a Märzen this year and, do I have a St. Patrick's day beer ready to drink on the 17th? With winter still showing its harshness and with the hopefulness of Spring coming, many of us are also looking to start preparing for lawnmower beers, boat beers, fishing beers, camping beers, running beers, smoking meat beers, and all around warm weather brews. I for one am looking forward coming out of the winter hibernation and warming my skin in the sunshine in a t-shirt and shorts even if it is only going to be a 50
day.Website / Discord :
We had some shake up last month with the website. With issues regarding WordPress plugins we were faced with how to maintain what we had used for the last few years as well as how to look forward to what could be. Much thanks to Colter for brainstorming a great idea to move over to Discord. I have to say that the difference in club activity online was immediately apparent. Having switched our conversations over to this platform lends us to much more actively engage with each other as a club. Questions have been fielded within minutes as well as sharing beers we are sipping on and highlights of brew days. The prospects of this new tool at the club's disposal is a very exciting one.
If you have not yet attached yourself to this board click the following link to join in:

This month Jeff Aikman has provided the club with an insightful look into how ABV can be calculated by using the Periodic Table of Elements and how Plato and SG relate to each other. Thanks Jeff for the informative write up.
Take Notice:
As many of us in this area have noticed, we are limited to 2 homebrew shops, one in Northglenn and one in Lakewood. We do not have an option this is slightly closer. Thanks to Ryan for pointing this out, Altitude Brewing & Supply has now moved and is quite possibly the closest brew supply store to most of us.
Altitude Brewing & Supply 4577 N. Pecos Street |
Meeting Info:
Where: Sherlock's Ale House
6525 Independence St. Arvada 80004
Time: 7:00pm
There is a doorbell on the East Garage door, I will likely leave open the back gate so you can come in through the brewery off of 65th Street.
Feb Meeting Recap:
Chris, Dave, Aaron, Charles, Gordon, Ryan, Evan, Robin, Jim, Nate, RC, Sam, Craig, Cody, Colter, Nathan and likely some others that were not noted.

Meeting Recap / Beers:
Facing blowing snow and a slightly longer drive than normal for a homebrewers meeting the crew did turn out in numbers for this meeting. With initial fears of a meeting attended by only a few people all was cured when Ryan started working out a carpool scheme to get a bunch of the Arvada folks down to Lakewood; thus the origin of the drunken convoy. Much thanks to Chris for hosting all of us in his basement bar! We had a fantastic turn out and a hell of a good time. A few new faces joined us as well as many of the other members we had not seen in a few months.
Thanks to Ryan Pachmayer for taking the notes this meeting:
Good stuff. I didn't get everyone's name that didn't bring a beer, I think it was just Cole maybe that didn't bring one besides Gordon and RC and Colter? I think this was all the beers.
Dave – Zombie Dust clone – Sweet maltiness, but not cloying, classic citra hop profile.
Aaron and Ryan – Japanese Pils from the lagering keg – 80% pils malt, 20% flaked rice – Clean, dry, drinkable, lightly grainy.
Charles – Czech Pils – Really nice malty munich malt (~25% of grist) backbone. “saazy” said someone. Nate said it drank like Ska's Mexican Logger.
Aaron and Ryan – French Pils (“les pils”) from the lagering keg – 100% French pils malt, Strasselspalt french hops – Good bitterness, floral and fruity hop flavor, noble-like.
Charles – Arvada Common – Northern Brewer hops – Malty, good balance, good hop bitterness.
Sam – House Amber – We've had this before and liked it. Good color, well balanced.
Jim – English Pale – Floral, hoppy, great bottle conditioned mouthfeel.
Sam – American Pale – Grassy, dank flavor, citra-like, some got peaches and mango and papaya, others got red berries, really fun experimental hop.
Jim – English IPA – Great sweet malt and earthy, floral hops playing well off of each other. Really nailed the balance.
Nate – S'more Lager – Dunkel with spices (marshmallow, graham cracker, cacao nibs). Malty sweet, rich, spices are really subtle, nicely executed.
Dave – Sweet stout – Rich and malty, sweet but not cloying. Dave mentioned this one didn't fully attenuate, but even with lactose, many of us didn't think this was overly sweet at all.
Robin IPA w Zappa hops – Fruity hop flavor, a grassy and citrusy bitterness, zappa hops are interesting and fun.
Craig – Old Chub clone – Less bitterness and hop flavor than most remember the Oskar Blue's version, but that's not necessarily a bad thing people say. Carmelly. “it rubs the lotion on it's skin or it gets the hose again” – Colter.
Craig – Xmas ale – Cherry spice flavor, good drinkable winter ale. Doesn't actually have spices in it, just a general dark amber/brown winter ale type beer.
Aaron – WC IPA – Malty sweet backbone, really nice foam was pointed out by several tasters.
Evan and Ryan mushroom brown – 4 years old, not ideal for a light english brown, Evan's last bottle. Morel and oyster mushrooms added. People taste umami, but it may have been more soy/malt age. The young one had subtle maple syrup-like flavors from the morels and a general light rich note from the oysters.
Aaron – Wet stout – Coffee nose, spicy rye flavor, really nice.
Aaron and Ryan – 10 day stout – ~10% stout, brewed with kveik yeast, then sous vide infused with whiskey barrel chips, cold crashed, fined and bottled, all in 7 days. Year old, this one was nicer and fresh. Theories that the pasteurization/heat sped up aging process and/or first try recipe just wasn't favorable to aging. Not awful, but was better liked a year ago.
Craig – Belgian saison – Peppery, bubblegum, dry, classic saison yeast flavor.
Ryan and Nathan – Imperial belgian saison – Pils, munich and wheat malts, saaz and a touch of goldings hops, very highly carbonated. Last bottle, drinking well at 18 months.
Jim – Tripel – Classic aroma and classic flavor, a crowd pleaser. Chimay yeast picked out by a few members in a fond way.
Cody – “tired old” Golden strong – Like a big pale barleywine, a few years old at this point.
Charles – Brett pale – Horsey, fruity nose, some light lemon and dank hops in the flavor.
Charles – Lambic – Lightly tart, refreshing, clean, quite pleasant.
House beers
Chris – English Porter – Really chocolate heavy, quite malty and nice.
Chris – Mild (?) – Fruity, lightly malty, easy drinking.