June Update:
Check below for the updates.

We have had to swap around some locations for future meetings. Check at the bottom of this newsletter for more information. If you have the ability to help reach out!

Have Spent Grain! Contact Eric to arrange pickup via discord.

Our first club competition in years is now back. Brew up a batch of your finest American/English Pale ale for competition and judging this August. All members will vote on all beers and the winner receives a ton of shit talking rights. Tasting sheets will be provided, bring a pen and a thirst for summer beers!

With the growing size of the club, hosting has become more than making sure you have some beers available for the guys to drink. As not everyone in the club has the availability to host at their house we would like to continue to share in the work required for a meeting to happen. We are looking for a member or two to team up with the host to bring beer snacks and maybe swing by early to set up or stay later and help clean up. We will be looking for this for the next few months to get a feel on how successful this could be. If we are using the discord we can reach out to offer assistance, additionally I can get people in touch with each other to start the conversation.
If you just can’t get enough homebrewing conversation in your life join us over on the discord for some thoughtful conversation as well as shit posting.
June Meeting Beer Submissions: Fill out this Google Form up to an hour before the meeting to be included in the tastings. We did make some changes to the styles and I added all of the new brewers in the club for this month. https://forms.gle/7PYFYjYh6Vk5SfPm6
View the submissions prior to the meeting, (This will be opened up for comments/notes during the meeting: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RcCw3CLEofeaspNgx_sowANNkt5cbevBjradoHf3D5w/edit?usp=sharing
June Meeting Info:
Where: Colter’s House
6391 Brooks Dr, Arvada, CO 80004
Time: 7:00pm
May Meeting Recap:
Charles, Chris, Gordon, Cody, Evan, Jim S., Nathan, Dennis, Jeff, Aaron, Bobby C., Jeff S. , Dennis H., Cole, Eric, Jeremy
Charles B. | -01 – Light Pale Beer | 5% – 7% | Taco Beer / Not a Mexican Lager 80% pils, 20% flaked corn Sterling hops Lallemand Diamond Lager |
Supre pale, nice thin creamy layer of head. Nice sweet taste from the corn. Super light in taste. | ||
Chuck S. | -02 – Helles | 5% – 7% | Hallertau and Saaz Hops. Pretty traditional recipe. Used 34/70 yeast. Did a single decoction. Has been Lagering for 6 weeks. | Super lights and just enough hoppy. Clean and where it needs to be. Once this is a bit more bubbly this will be a summer favorite. | Spauld really liked this. Once clear it will be a killer helles! | |
Jim S. | -06 – Pilsner | 3% – 5% | Czech Premium Amber Lager (Polotmavy): A medium amber color with firm hoppiness and toasty character. INGREDIENTS- Moravian Zahlinice’ pils malt, Cara Bohemian, Carafa Special II, Saaz & Kazbek hops, Budejovice’ (Budvar) yeast. PROCESS – Step/Decoction mashed and krausened prior to lagering. | This honey colored beer. I can taste the one decoction. Crisp hop flavor balanced out with a nice malty backbone | ||
Chris L. | -09 – Amber Ale | 5% – 7% | https://share.brewfather.app/KzVJngeBSxVt8X | Very bread crust flavor. Really nice and balanced. Nice toasted brown color. | Spauld thought this had all of the attributes of a great American Amber Ale. To me the style should always be perfectly balanced between hop bitterness/aroma, maltiness and with a touch of roasted character. Spot on! | |
Charles B. | -09 – Amber Ale | 3% – 5% | Irish Dark Red (Nitro/Cask) Maris, c60, black barley nugget, goldings Verdant/LIII brewed 2022-4-13; 4.3% |
Fancy nitro beer made on the ready. Charles attempts his best Bill Nye with wowing us with injecting this beer with more beer to make it super formie. | ||
Jim S. | -12 – English Pale Beer – bitter (except IPA) | 5% – 7% | EAST INDIA ALE: English-style India Pale Ale (less bitter and lower ABV than domestic versions) – Maris Otter floor-malted, English light and medium cara malts, UK Challenger, UK Fuggles and East Kent Goldings. Wyeast 1968 yeast (Fuller’s). Bottle-conditioned. | flowery and citrusy, refreshing | Bright yellow color – slightly sweet malty backbone followed up with a clean hop profile. Spauld thinks this one might be a bit old (like the Faustien below), but for some reason this one is still ‘fairly’ drinkable. I’ll be making a fresh version for the August pale ale event. Should be much tastier. | |
Jeff S | -15 – Moderate ABV | 5% – 7% | Jeff S Chocolate Coffee Stout – 6.4% Pale Malt, Carapils, Chocolate, Flaked Barley, Crystal Malt, Roasted Barley, Coffee |
Nice nose of coffee, otffee, and chocolate; creamy head and a smooth drinkable body. | smooth, light coffee, light fruit. | |
Bobby C | -15 – Moderate ABV | 8% – 10% | Dry Stout. Roasted black barley, 2-row, black patent, special B, and aromatic malt. Styrian and kent goldings hops used for bittering and at flame out. Yeast Safale US-05. Bobby C | milk chocolate, cherry, light warming flavor | Low body and dinkable. It is a great base beer. | |
Dennis | -16 – Belgian Beer | 5% – 7% | https://www.northernbrewer.com/products/belgian-tripel-all-grain-kit?variant=7731860045868 | Nice and bubbly. The flavor is sopt on, could use a bit of pop in the nose of the beer. Really nice at getting back into brewing. | Spauld liked this bier. I thought it was a smooth drinking tripel. | |
Ryan P. | -16 – Belgian Beer | 5% – 7% | Saison brewed with Nathan Rooen. 80% belgian pils, 8% munich, 8% wheat, 4% carapils, step mashed, 30 IBUs Goldings hops 60-30-0. Blend of Belgian and French saison yeast (Omega’s). Bottle conditioned to 3.5 volumes. Brewed early March 2022. Bottled early April 2022. | Super fucking bubbly. “That is fucking delicious”, “I could drink a bottle of this on my own”. Super dry finish. | Spauld thought this was one of the better Saison’s he’s had this year (imported examples included!) | |
Aaron B. | -16 – Belgian Beer | 8% – 10% | I traded rhizomes to a dude on Craigslist for this. Not responsible. | |||
Charles B. | -17 – Saison | 5% – 7% | This Might Explode (can conditioned) *base beer for sour; NOT sour pils, rye, wheat malts and honey sorachi ace wild basement yeast brewed 2022-3-10; 5.8% |
Very blone in color, think, sweet and lemony. “This beer is beggging for an infection”. | dry, white wine flavor | |
Cody B. | -22 – Maibock / Single Bock / Doppelbock | 5% – 7% | https://share.brewfather.app/d63XLjV4ehouXd | Nice and sweeet, very malty, beautiful copper color and perfect carbonation. “I just have to say, this is pretty fucking good.” | This is the second time Spauld has had Cody’s maibock. While it usually seems too hoppy for the style, I usually think maibocks can be a little flabby at times, so I love Cody’s version. Very clean, with no defects, a solid malt profile and balanced enough to make it go down easy. | |
Dennis H. | -23 – Hoppy | 5% – 7% | American Black IPA, dryhopped / 6.7% ABV / 79 IBU (pre-dryhop) / Brewed 4-7-22 / Built h2o | Centennial, Nugget, Mangum, Mt. Hood, Cascade; “I like this”, really aviod . Lighter base malt with the dark roast malts aviods the astringentcy of the dark malts. | smooth, light pine, floral, light citrus, delicious | |
Cody B. | -23 – Hoppy | 5% – 7% | Colorado IPA https://share.brewfather.app/JkCjk4noz5vxPs | Not west or east coast – mid coast beer. Really good nose and very drinkable | big hop nose, citrus, cantuloupe, light apple, light bitterness | |
Chuck S. | -26 – American IPA Hazy | 5% – 7% | 7.2 % ABV 1st attempt at Hazy. Used Mosaic and Amarillo hops. Used A38 Imperial Yeast. | Rally nice nose and aroma. On target with color and haze. Really great execution on this beer. | good work | |
Jeremy | -26 – American IPA Hazy | 5% – 7% | 2 Row, Munich 10L, Caramel 120L, white wheat, Columbus at 60 and 30, 1.5oz ea Cascade, Centennial, Chinnook at 0, Propogate MIP110 Hazy yeast. Dry hop 1oz ea Idaho 7 and Simcoe | Great base hazy beer. Looking for more of these to come. | soft mouthfeel, smooth hop flavor | |
Jim S. | -33 – High Strength Belgian | 8% – 10% | Faustien Golden Strong Ale: Belgian Castle pils malt, Heidelberger pils malt, Belgian rock candi, Stisselspalt, Tettnanger and Saaz hops. 1338 (Duvel) yeast strain. Reyeasted at bottling then warm-roomed at 78F for 3 weeks prior to aging. | I can tase the Jim brewery in this beer. Fucking amazing execution. | Spauld tasted some “age” in this bier that tells me it’s a bit over the hill. Only a couple bottles left tho! haha. | |
Nathan | -33 – High Strength Belgian | 10+% | Ryan P. Co Brewer – Barrel Aged Belgian Quad – 11% ABV from 2019 | |||
Dennis H. | -34 – Old Ales / Barleywines | 10+% | Brewed 3-17-18 / 15%+ ABV / 60 IBU / Thomas Hardy Yeast | 16%+ 4 year old. Apple in the nose, just what an old ale should be. Really big and in your face. | ||
Aaron B. | -36 – Imperial Beers | 8% – 10% | Brewed last December. You’ve had this before. | Old Stout, 8.5%; Dry finish, roasty, and coffee and chcoclate notes with some burbon flavors. | ||
Chris L. | -39 – Mead or Cider | 5% – 7% | Apple-Pear Cider | |||
Eric | Under The Stairs Beer – May 18th – 2014 | Brewed with belgian rock candy, crazy sweet nose. “Smells like a belgian candy shop”, fairley close to a barley wine. |