Where: Dennis’ House of Foam
18435 W 83rd Dr, Arvada, CO 80007
7:00 – Beer tastings and merriment
Come hungry for some OTMP special brisket, please park on the street and enter through the WEST gate. We are planning on hosting it outside unless the weather is crazy awful.
Register Beers and RSVP to the meeting here.
April Meeting Recap:
I will be damned if I didn’t learn a ton from this meeting as well as have a great time. Thanks to Chris for putting together what might be dubbed “The Worst Beer Tasting Ever” at an OTMP club meeting. Not only did we get to have as many awful samples as we could throw down but we had unlimited comparison samples, funny enough there were Coors Light tainted samples as well as “untainted” Coors light left at the end of the night 🤔.
My take away from this experience was that I cannot perceive the inaccuracies in my beer that I thought I could. I shared this sentiment with many other members. After being scolded by Bob Z. for years that some of us had diacetyl in our beers I am not so certain that 70% of this club could pick that out in a line up. Side by side was easy, but with the initial sample blind I wouldn’t know the difference, with some exceptions. Not being certified in anything other than being an Art teacher I found this exercise to make me question my own perceptions as well as wonder about my own beers. How likely is it that I have made a ton of batches of beer that were infected or tainted in some way? The answer is likely.
What I am thankful for is now I know what; solvent, cheese-like, sweaty socks, sewer-like, cardboard, cooked corn, dirty gasoline, putrid fart in a shared sleeping bag, alien skin, rusty barnacle, fermented plastic, and baby vomit beers taste like, for this I am thankful. Chris as always you are an amazing host, which is great because you live in the southernmost part of Arvada I have ever seen.

Attendants: See attached notes in the Google Sheets