October Club Update:
While the pumpkin spice flavoring is falling all around us in latte's, pies, and oreo's; there is another brew at bay. If history repeats itself we have a problem on our hands, according to research the average medieval worker drank 10 beers a day (Trinity College medieval workers drank 10 beers a day), paired with what the current trend is in our country with craft beer (The most popular IPA in the country is Voodoo Ranger the second is Voodoo Ranger.) I am not certain that this combination might make sense over time, 10 x 7-9% beers = low productivity (society crashes). I really question the ingredient list in these Voodoo ranger beers with regard to flavoring, nothing seems real, sort of tastes like Hi-C to me. Why is beer going towards the notion of using Starbucks flavoring and syrups to sell their beers? But, who doesn't like the idea of drinking beers on the clock while working?
Let me get my primate brain back to center. As a designer I love minimalism and as an artist I love for forms to be stripped down to the basics of necessity. It was recently that Jim turned me on to not trying to be the cheapest guy on the block with regard to ingredients. I will say that other than the other controls I had in place (cleanliness, sanitisation, procedures for cleaning all parts inside and out, as well as temperature and purges) this was likely the biggest change I have had in brewing. I will never go back to cheap grain, yeast, or, altogether, being cheap in general. These simple practices and procedures simply make great beers. It is a basic formula.
I think that I am now entering a minimalism phase of brewing. I prefer floor malted ingredients that can give more character rather than substituting these for malts that can give these flavors. Malts that are undermotified can give distinct characteristics. Yeast that isn't from your favorite bank might have profiles even in the same profile (according to Mr. Malty). These are the reasons your homebrew is worth it, all of our time is worth more than the time we consume beer. So many of us came into this hobby to save money. I would love to know how I saved any money. What I built is a machine, a small empire. I have built a brewery that could rival some small micro-breweries.
I assumed, I didn't have much to write this month. I have not brewed since August. I do feel out of touch when I am not playing with homebrew. Unlinke cooking, it isn't instant gratification, it is a hope and a payer. Homebrew is for us, those who choose to make the product.
Five Star Chemical Ordering:
The order is here, those who ordered you can reach out to Evan on discord for pickup (the PBW will need to be broken down). It will also be at the next meeting. Please if possible pay in advance to the club paypal; PBW – $3.43 a lb, Starsan – $17.23 for 32oz, Saniclean – $12.90 for 32oz., I know some of you were in a range for the PBW, I will be reaching out individually so I can have it packaged.
OTMP Board Members:
Congratulations to the following members and their titles in the club: Evan Sherlock – President, Chris Levesque – Vice President, Chuck Schick – Treasurer, Colter Wilson – Secretary, and Aaron Bandler – Equipment Rental, Can Recycling, Bicycle Repair, and Goodie Bag Manager.
AHA Membership:
As many of us are members of the AHA we get benefits from being members, from discounts, to early ticket releases we all now have another perk. OTMP is now a registered supporter of the AHA; meaning that if you use the discount code OTMP at checkout you will receive $5 off an annual membership as well as the club will be given $5. Feel free to share with anyone looking to join the AHA. This can be an easy way for those of us that annually renew to also roll some extra cash back to the club.

Tasting Glasses:
New glassware has started to be handed out, if you missed the last few months the glassware is still awaiting you. You can also reach out to Evan Sherlock if you want to pick yours up at any point. You might notice that others beer might taste slightly better in these glasses, especially at a meeting.,
Competitive Brewing:
Anyone looking to enter into the competition we could get a group of us to submit together. I am sure there are a few members that would be able to rank rather high in competition, if we join together we can also complete drop offs together. We can discuss this more at the next meeting. If any of us is interested in getting into the pro-am for next year this would be a great start.

Time to Brew it up.
Be prepared to have everything fermented out and ready to transfer in mid-January. The clock is ticking, get brewing! So we can wait, and wait, and wait, and then forget, and then drink some amazing beer.
Great times this year seeing so many faces and sharing so many beers with the brewing crew members. As I only attended one session I do feel that I got my fill on some amazing beers. So great running into so many of you, and apparently I can only look like I am screaming in every photo (maybe I was)

Newsletter Contributions:
Open to anyone willing to write up anything related to the topic of brewing. We are looking for people that are willing to share brocess information, tasting guidelines, recipe formulation or anything related to brewing experiences. Just submit before the end of each month to be included in the next month's newsletter. Just send them over to the club email.
October Meeting Info:

Event Invite for Calendar Reminder
Where: Brewery Aikman At Da Pub
Jeff & Sarah Aikman
10581 W. 74TH PLArvada, 80005
7:00 – Beer tastings
Only finest ales and lagers please, have a little respect.
Register Beers and RSVP to the meeting here.
September Meeting Recap:
Another amazing meeting. Colter and the family hosted a fantastic meeting. Colter pulled out a “reasonable” bottle of beer to share with the clan. Amazing venue, to meet up in and very accommodating to the needs of the drunks even with a touch of rain. Cheers!
Attendants: See attached notes in the Google Sheets
Meeting Recap / Beers: