November Club Update:
The thanksgiving feast is uniquely American (not counting that Canadian version with poutine). It is a simple holiday where the meal is the holiday. Not to be all gummed up with all sorts of other fanfair, gifts, strange traditions or days upon days of celebration. In its essence, it is the best meal that can be brought to the table, a time to break bread with the ones you love and care for. It is a celebration that usually doesn't take days and weeks of preparation and forethought; it is truly what you make of it. Thanksgiving doesnt have huge themed front yards and certain color lights to showcase, minimal amounts of decoration is needed if any at all. People don't have music for this holiday nor do they drive around the neighborhood looking at Thanksgiving decorations. There isn't a complexity like Christmas where there is a giant commercial aspect to it; with maybe exception to the canned pumpkin industry and those giant $5 Costco sized pumpkin pies. For its general lack of details, I would certainly say that Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.
I do enjoy hosting this holiday because it gives me a chance to show off what I enjoy, and share with others. Finding new ways to make an awesome turkey dinner is a challenge I will always take on. This year I am entertaining doing a spatchcock smoked bird or breaking down the whole bird to then smoke. Pair this with some mashed potatoes, gravy, roasted brussel sprouts and some dinner rolls you quite literally have a simple feast. Let the others bring what they wish, it can be as complex or minimalistic as you want it.
Thanksgiving also offers itself a little time off for most of us as well as a little time with friends and families. As all of us know that this generally means a few good beers while you are cooking, during the meal and after the meal. As I look forward to the coming holiday I know that a good beer shopping list will be necessary. I would like to share my beer shopping list for Thanksgiving this year:
- Sierra Nevada – Celebration – I am glad to see this already hitting the shelves just in time for these shorter days.
- Ayinger – Celebrator – The imported malty taste that goes great with a big meal
- Brasserie Dupont – Saison – Like a champaign and is easily shared with people that can appreciate it.
- Bierstadt – Helles – Local and damn near perfect.
- Russian River – Damnation – A special golden strong that makes you savor what you just opened.
- Warsteiner – Premium Dunkel – Malty and bready and not hoppy, perfect with pumpkin pie.
Five Star Chemical Ordering:
The order is here, those who ordered you can reach out to Evan on discord for pickup (the PBW will need to be broken down). It will also be at the next meeting. Please if possible pay in advance to the club paypal; PBW – $3.43 a lb, Starsan – $17.23 for 32oz, Saniclean – $12.90 for 32oz., I know some of you were in a range for the PBW, I will be reaching out individually so I can have it packaged. If you ordered and need the calculation of your bill you can find it here.
AHA Membership:
As many of us are members of the AHA we get benefits from being members, from discounts, to early ticket releases we all now have another perk. OTMP is now a registered supporter of the AHA; meaning that if you use the discount code OTMP at checkout you will receive $5 off an annual membership as well as the club will be given $5. Feel free to share with anyone looking to join the AHA. This can be an easy way for those of us that annually renew to also roll some extra cash back to the club.

Tasting Glasses:
New glassware has started to be handed out, if you missed last month we will have the glassware at the September meeting. You can also reach out to Evan Sherlock if you want to pick yours up at any point.
Competitive Brewing:
Anyone looking to enter into the competition we could get a group of us to submit together. I am sure there are a few members that would be able to rank rather high in competition, if we join together we can also complete drop offs together. We can discuss this more at the next meeting. If any of us is interested in getting into the pro-am for next year this would be a great start. (Updated November 2023)

Time to brew it up.
The recipe has been picked, now we just need to get all of it brewed up. We are looking for a time in mid-January to complete the filling of the barrel. This should give us all plenty of time to brew it up and have it ready in 2 months. Each brewer will only need to brew up a 5 gallon finished batch, as we have 11 participants. If you were one of the people that would like to have a brew day with another brewer we can start arranging that at the next meeting.
Newsletter Contributions:
Open to anyone willing to write up anything related to the topic of brewing. We are looking for people that are willing to share brocess information, tasting guidelines, recipe formulation or anything related to brewing experiences. Just submit before the end of each month to be included in the next month's newsletter. Just send them over to the club email.
November Meeting Info:
Jim Beer Barn
7:00 – Beer tastings
Come through the side of the house to the bier barn. Bring a taster. Don't linger and get all shit faced.
Register Beers and RSVP to the meeting here.
August Meeting Recap:
Sarah and Jeff Aikman showcasing their amazing hosting skills once again.
Attendants: See attached notes in the Google Sheets
Meeting Recap / Beers: