Chris Levesque here. This is my first club newsletter. Don't expect some big deep beer insights about my youth. I cannot fill Evan's literary shoes. I don't do this for a living, so don't expect Ryan Pachmeyer level beer insights or musings. I just love beer. If you're reading this, I'm guessing you do too or you are at least on a “friends with benefits” level with beer. Reading the history, techniques, styles, consuming and then talking about it with others that share this same love is what most of us enjoy about this “hobby”.
Evan asked that I take over the newsletter for the time being. No worries at all. So please bear with me as I try and not make this suck. I intend to add more content for the next month's newsletter, but this month I just need to get this out and not screw it up! Cheers!

April 17, 2024 – Saison Day! – Take advantage of today’s Saison Day by enjoying a spicy, fruity Saison!

April 23, 2024 – German Beer Day! -Remember the country that created beer as we know and love it, through the creation of the Reinheitsgebot regulations which only permitted the use of water, barley and hops in brewing the beverage. A classic, Reinheitsgebot-friendly brew is the perfect way to celebrate German Beer Day today!

May 1, 2024 – National Rotate Your Beer Day! – The main purpose of the day is to encourage people to purchase and sell fresh beer. This is essential if one wants to enjoy the true taste of the beverage. Not a fan of the typical store-bought beer? Well, in that case, we suggest you try out different flavors such as fruit beer, lager, or coffee beer. The aim is to honor the day by drinking fresh beer.

27th annual Big Brew on May 4, 2024 – Big Brew for National Homebrew Day is an opportunity to fire up the kettle and raise a glass to the greatest hobby there is— homebrewing!

May 5, 2024 – Cinco de Mayo! – Take a few drinks and celebrate the Mexican Army’s perseverance against the invading French in 1862.

May 7, 2024 – National Homebrew day! – Celebrate the art of craft beer creation. Opportunity to share and learn new brewing techniques from the annual brewing event it hosts to observe the day.
April Club Update:
Five Star Chemical Ordering:
Those of you that didn't get in on the order we still have some remaining supplies to get rid of. We have 3 bottles Sani-Clean ($12.90) and 1 bottle Star-San ($17.23). If you are interested let Evan know. First come first serve, paypal/cash only.
AHA Membership:
As many of us are members of the AHA we get benefits from being members, from discounts, to early ticket releases we all now have another perk. OTMP is now a registered supporter of the AHA; meaning that if you use the discount code OTMP at checkout you will receive $5 off an annual membership as well as the club will be given $5. Feel free to share with anyone looking to join the AHA. This can be an easy way for those of us that annually renew to also roll some extra cash back to the club.

April Meeting Info:
Chuck's Under the Stairs Speakeasy
13909 W 59th Dr, Arvada, CO 80004
7:00 – Beer tastings
Register Beers and RSVP to the meeting here.
March Meeting Recap:
Attendants: See attached notes in the Google Sheets
Having missed this meeting, I was told it was all the rave. Just shy of debauchery. Next time!
Meeting Recap / Beers: