Another month and many more beers later. Over the past month I've been breaking my back working on my “at home brewery” project. Significant progress has been made since I began (demo day!) this project in mid-February. Final touches going into the room and equipment being placed very soon. Hope is to have my first test brew the weekend after this next meeting. Body aches (32″x32″ tile sucks on your back to put down at 40lbs a piece), anxiety about all the things still needing to be done, but also excitement to new brewing adventures. A lot of new equipment to learn how to use, but in the end we know how beer is brewed! I also love that we have such a great club and use of Discord to throw ideas and ask questions to each other. I have a lot of new brewing techniques that I will lean on my brew-friends for assistance (pressure fermentation, closed-transfer, glycol chillers, steam condensing…..yadda yadda yadda).

May 10-16 – American Craft Beer Week – It is a week dedicated to celebrating the small, independent breweries that make the US brewing industry unique and exceptional. Go out and support your favorite local craft breweries this week. They certainly need and would appreciate it.

May 25th – Memorial Day – We raise a glass to those who bravely served for the United States and did not return home to their familie.

Cody's Independence Street Brewery (Central Arvada)
6042 Independence St., Arvada CO 80004
7:00 – Beer tastings
Register Beers and RSVP to the meeting here.
April Meeting Recap:
Chuck was a gracious host with plans of being outside to enjoy the cool evening. Weather had other plans as it got breezy and a little colder than those with short sleeve shirts and shorts soon found out. (definitely wasn't me…) Good beer and food was had. Jim still refused to try anything once the IPAs rolled out, turning to his little personal mini-me keg of beer (it didn't suck!).