Halloween, for me, is always a great time. This year particularly as the neighborhood has come to expect to not only find a good assortment of candy for their kids to paw at, but draft beer for the adults that have to trudge through the cold. This year was no different. Adults hurriedly walking up the driveway (past their kid) to see if beer was again being served. It was. This year was my annual pumpkin beer and, in my wife's opinion, it was the best it's ever come out. To quote my neighbor, Tom: “I've never been keen on Pumpkin beer and I've never ordered a second one…..can I have a refill?”
At one point there was a line of about 6-8 adults and then I saw a tiny little ghost in the back of the line lean over and ask in the cutest little voice “is there any candy here?”. All the adults laughed and ushered him to the front. I love things like this.
At one point there was a line of about 6-8 adults and then I saw a tiny little ghost in the back of the line lean over and ask in the cutest little voice “is there any candy here?”. All the adults laughed and ushered him to the front. I love things like this.
In the current political climate (Don't worry, I will never talk politics with these newsletters), it was a nice feeling that folks were brought together by the love of a holiday and beer. Mostly beer. I knew some neighbors, met knew ones that I've seen around, learned some new names, but that's it. Just talked beer and enjoyed the evening. Also found out that someone in my neighborhood own and operates the Red Rocks Beer Garden in Morrison. This was pretty cool because they only feature Colorado beer. The wife and I have been there routinely through the summer.
Okay, back to beer. Attached is an article I asked our own Jim Spaulding to write up to share his knowledge and love of Krausening. Please give it a read. There's a lot of great information in there. I thank Jim for taking the time to do this for us. I will be examining my own lager process to see how I can incorporate this into my lagers.
Upcoming Events
- November 25, Thanksgiving (Drinksgiving) – It’s time to have some fun and enjoy the celebration before the chaos that is Thanksgiving. Have a couple drinks with your old friends and toast the fact that you’re finally home for the holidays! Eat a lot of food, drink alcohol, and gather around the table! This day marks the beginning of the holiday season, as well as more time to talk about politics, relationship prospects, and other uncomfortable subjects with relatives from far and wide.
- November 28, Small Brewery Sunday – After the tough economy of 2020 and 2021, small business could really use our support, and today is the perfect day to show it. Buy your favorite beer and show your support for these small businesses today.
- December 5, National Repeal Day – Today 88 years ago, the Prohibition-era 18th Amendment was repealed! Without this repeal, alcohol, and the entire brewing world, would not exist as we know it. Happy National Repeal Day!
- December 10, National Lager Day – We recommend a few winter lagers to enjoy along with the cooling outdoor temperatures today. Cheers!
2025 OTMP Bock Beer Competition!
It was decided at last month's meeting that it's far time to have another competition. So here are the details. The competition will be tournament style (no score sheets like last time). We will hold it during the April 2025 meeting being hosted by the Aikmans. This will be a Bock competition, meaning you can make your recipe of the following styles: Helles Bock, Dunkles Bock, Doppelbock, Weizenbock, or Eisbock. It is suggested that you bring 2 bottles or enough to have it judged 2-3 times. Plenty of time to plan and brew! More information about signing up will come closer to April 2025, but start planning your brew now.
I want to take a moment to mention that the club does have a Discord site to talk all things beer, recipes, processes, what you're drinking and other random stuff. You can be active or a fly on the wall. Please consider joining the fun. https://discord.com/invite/aSJrGmY4dv
AHA Membership:
As many of us are members of the AHA we get benefits from being members, from discounts, to early ticket releases we all now have another perk. OTMP is now a registered supporter of the AHA; meaning that if you use the discount code OTMP at checkout you will receive $5 off an annual membership as well as the club will be given $5. Feel free to share with anyone looking to join the AHA. This can be an easy way for those of us that annually renew to also roll some extra cash back to the club.

November Meeting Info:
Charles Basement Tap Room (Central Arvada)
6038 Balsam St, Arvada, CO 80004
6:30 – Pre-meeting pint
7:00 – Beer tastings
Register Beers and RSVP to the meeting here.
October Meeting Recap:
Great meeting. Had about 10 beers to taste and then a few commercials and spirits afterwards. Showed off the shiny new brewery that I'm still getting used to. Had an Aaron sighting, so that's always fun. Mr Evan Sherlock came back into the fold and joined us for a fun evening. It was really good to see Evan again! Even even bussed some of these yahoos down from Arvada. Spoke about the NA beer he's been enjoying, but also looks forward to getting back into brewing in the new year. I always love our meetings.