OTMP -February Meeting 2/19/25 – January Meeting Recap

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The name Febrewary is pretty spot on, especially for our club.  I'm officially welcoming our previous president, Evan, back into the fold of officially homebrewer status!  I joined Evan this past Sunday to brew our share of the next barrel fill (Biere de Garde). It was great to hang out and brew with him again and get caught up on everything going on in life. He was excited super focused as to not forget which hose goes into which port at each stage. 

That brings me to my next point.  Our long time member, and club Treasurer, Chuck Shick will be stepping away from his role in the club and from homebrewing.  I know we're all going to miss beers, conversations, and good times with Chuck.  I also want to say that I really appreciate his efforts in managing the club funds and ensuring our annual membership is straight with the AHA.  Thank you for everything Chuck, you're always welcome to a meeting!

Upcoming Events
  • February 22, National Margarita Day –   You’ve probably heard of a “Coronarita”? Today would be a great day to indulge in one.
  • February 24, World Bartender Day –  It’s especially important to extend some appreciation. Consider this holiday a chance to extend your thanks to your bartenders!
  • March 5, Colorado Pint Day! –  2025 marks the 4th annual Colorado Pint Day art competition and the 10th anniversary of Colorado Pint Day! This year, Leanne Bridie produced the winning design for the 2025 theme: Beer is for Everyone!  There is a map on the site to see which breweries are participating.
  • March 8,  International Women’s Collaboration Brew Day
    –  This holiday celebrates the women of the beer and brewing industries (and all women in general) since it falls on the same day as International Women’s Day!
Upcoming Competitions or Events
  • Mile High Beer Fest, March 1Get ready, Denver—your favorite locally-focused craft beer celebration! The Annual Mile High Beer Festival will feature the very best brews Colorado has to offer, with 40+ vendors and over 100 beers, ciders, spirits, and more to sample.
  • Collaboration Fest, April 19 – Collab Fest is back and ready to break all the records. When brewers across Colorado get together to collaborate & brew one-off exclusive beers, it undoubtedly turns into the biggest party of the year!
  • Vail Craft Beer Classic, June 13 & 14 –  Explore breweries from across Colorado at Vail Craft Beer Classic. As you sip, be sure to vote for your favorite. Breweries will have the chance to win the People’s Choice and Judge’s Choice ‘Best Beer of Summer’ awards. The 2025 festival will return for its 9th year and will feature an all-inclusive tasting of beer, seltzers, and spirits as well as food trucks and live music.

February Club Update: 

2025 OTMP Bock Beer Competition!
It was decided at last month's meeting that it's far time to have another competition. So here are the details.  The competition will be tournament style (no score sheets like last time).  We will hold it during the April 2025 meeting being hosted by the Aikmans.  This will be a Bock competition, meaning you can make your recipe of the following styles:  Helles Bock, Dunkles Bock, Doppelbock, Weizenbock, or Eisbock. It is suggested that you bring 2 bottles or enough to have it judged 2-3 times.  More information about signing up will come closer to April 2025, but start planning your brew now.

I want to take a moment to mention that the club does have a Discord site to talk all things beer, recipes, processes, what you're drinking and other random stuff.  You can be active or a fly on the wall.  Please consider joining the fun.  https://discord.com/invite/aSJrGmY4dv

AHA Membership:
As many of us are members of the AHA we get benefits from being members, from discounts, to early ticket releases we all now have another perk. OTMP is now a registered supporter of the AHA; meaning that if you use the discount code OTMP at checkout you will receive $5 off an annual membership as well as the club will be given $5. Feel free to share with anyone looking to join the AHA. This can be an easy way for those of us that annually renew to also roll some extra cash back to the club. 

February Meeting Info:


Cole's Personal Cooperstown Basement Bar (Central Arvada) 


11581 W 69th Way, Arvada, CO 80004




6:00 – Club Officer meeting

6:30 – Pre-meeting pint

7:00 – Beer tastings


Register Beers and RSVP to the meeting here.

View registered beers here.

January Meeting Recap:

Charles was a great host, as always!  The curry and rice were tasty and a good lining for the beer stomachs.  Once past the first 3 pislner/amber ales, we were off to the races with beers for the season.  Saisons, spiced, winter ales, Belgians, stouts, and barleywines.  Bellies were full and happy.  Jeff and Sarah brought more GABF sampling beer, which was much appreciated.

Future Meeting Locations: (If you can offer a location for a future slot please reach out):As a club that relies on member assistance having meeting locations for the club is necessary, if you have the ability in warm weather or inside for colder months please check below to see if you can host for one month.  The club officers (yes we have officers) have decided this year to give meeting hosts some money.  It takes time, money and effort to host a meeting and this helps encourage the hosting. $50 for hosting a meeting.


February (2025) –  Cole's Personal Cooperstown Basement Bar (Central Arvada) (annual)

March (2025) – Dave's Commercial Club House (Westminster)

April (2025) –  Jeff and Sarah Aikman's Da Pub (Arvada) (annual)

May (2025) – Dennis' House of Foam (West West Arvada)

June (2025) – Evan Brewery (Central Arvada) (annual)

July (2025) –  Jim's Bier Barn (East Arvada) (annual)

August (2025) – open

September (2025) –  Chris's Construction Brewing Company (Very, Very South Arvada, maybe Lakewood)

OTMP -January Meeting 1/15/25 – October Meeting Recap

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New year, new beer?  I urge each member to try and brew a new style this year.  Read up on the history of the style and give it a go!

We have a few things planned for this year. Our barrel project (yes, the one we started in January 2024) will be ready to keg in March.  We are also planning to immediately fill that barrel with a Bier de Garde.  Those brews are already in planning.  We also have our Bock competition coming this April.  Folks should be thinking about getting their brewed if they plan to participate in the April meeting.  We will still try other beers at the meeting, but only after the competition. 

Consider entering one of Colorado's many homebrew competitions.  The cost is low and there are even  a couple free ones.

Upcoming Events
  • January 19 (3rd Sat in January), Baltic Porter Day –   Baltic Porter Day celebrates and promotes the Baltic Porter style, originating in Poland. Enjoy a pint and toast the “Brewers Treasure of Poland”!
  • January 24, National Beer Can Appreciation DayThis holiday celebrates the first day beer was officially sold in cans. Crack open a cold one and take some time to appreciate the art and history behind the beer can you are drinking out of. As soon as Kreuger Brewing Co. in Richmond, Virginia began distributing Kreuger’s Cream Ale and Kruger’s Finest Beer in cans in 1935, they became hugely successful… and the rest is history!
  • February 2, Groundhog Day – Celebrate a groundhog named Phil and his shadow. Celebrate the arrival of spring or drown in the sorrow of another six weeks of winter! Fuck Phil!
  • February 9, Hand-Egg (Superbowl) Day Participate in a longstanding sports drinking holiday tradition by rooting for your favorite team while enjoying a few beers! Go Sports!
Upcoming Competitions
  • Bière de Rock – French and Belgian inspired beer competition.  Registration opens 12/21/24 here.  Closes 1/18/25.
  • Sweetheart's Revenge 2025 – Registration opens 12/16/24 here. Closes 1/13/25.
  • Peak to Peak ProAM 2025 – Registration opens 12/15/24 here. Closes 2/6/25.

January Club Update: 

2025 OTMP Bock Beer Competition!
It was decided at last month's meeting that it's far time to have another competition. So here are the details.  The competition will be tournament style (no score sheets like last time).  We will hold it during the April 2025 meeting being hosted by the Aikmans.  This will be a Bock competition, meaning you can make your recipe of the following styles:  Helles Bock, Dunkles Bock, Doppelbock, Weizenbock, or Eisbock. It is suggested that you bring 2 bottles or enough to have it judged 2-3 times.  Plenty of time to plan and brew!  More information about signing up will come closer to April 2025, but start planning your brew now.

I want to take a moment to mention that the club does have a Discord site to talk all things beer, recipes, processes, what you're drinking and other random stuff.  You can be active or a fly on the wall.  Please consider joining the fun.  https://discord.com/invite/aSJrGmY4dv

AHA Membership:
As many of us are members of the AHA we get benefits from being members, from discounts, to early ticket releases we all now have another perk. OTMP is now a registered supporter of the AHA; meaning that if you use the discount code OTMP at checkout you will receive $5 off an annual membership as well as the club will be given $5. Feel free to share with anyone looking to join the AHA. This can be an easy way for those of us that annually renew to also roll some extra cash back to the club. 

January Meeting Info:


Charles Basement Tap Room (Central Arvada) 


6038 Balsam St, Arvada, CO 80004




6:30 – Pre-meeting pint

7:00 – Beer tastings


Register Beers and RSVP to the meeting here.

View registered beers here.

December Meeting Recap:

Jim, as always, is a great host!  Good food, good Jim beer, and good laughs.  Jeff and Sarah brough more GABF beers to try.  It was a great way to round out 2024.  Jim brought one of his new friends from the club he's been cheating on us with.  He was knowledgeable and nice, so we let it slide.

Future Meeting Locations: (If you can offer a location for a future slot please reach out):

As a club that relies on member assistance having meeting locations for the club is necessary, if you have the ability in warm weather or inside for colder months please check below to see if you can host for one month.  The club officers (yes we have officers) have decided this year to give meeting hosts some money.  It takes time, money and effort to host a meeting and this helps encourage the hosting. $50 for hosting a meeting.


January (2025) – Charles Basement Tap Room (Central Arvada) (annual)

February (2025) –  Cole's Personal Cooperstown Basement Bar (Central Arvada) (annual)

March (2025) – Dave's Commercial Club House (Westminster)

April (2025) –  Jeff and Sarah Aikman's Da Pub (Arvada) (annual)

May (2025) – Dennis' House of Foam (West West Arvada)

June (2025) – Evan Brewery (Central Arvada) (annual)

July (2025) –  Jim's Bier Barn (East Arvada) (annual)

August (2025) – Chuck's Under the Stairs Speakeasy (West Arvada) (annual)

September (2025) –  Chris's Construction Brewing Company (Very, Very South Arvada, maybe Lakewood)

OTMP -December Meeting 12/18/24 – November Meeting Recap

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Holidays. Beer. Family. Beer. Festivities. Beer. New Year. Beer. We know where this is going.  Happy holidays all, for whatever you celebrate!  I, for one, am grateful for this group going into the new year.  A new year looking forward to great meetings and beer discussions.  Looking forward to our long overdue Bock competition in April (reminder to brew or start thinking of brewing depending on the style!) Tis the season for seasonal beer, uncomfortable political discussions with family, overeating, and promises to work out again.

What are your 2025 brewing goals?  Brew a new style?  Focus in on 1 or 2 specific styles and work on consistency and improvement of those styles?  I love both these ideas.  I always strive to brew at least 1-2 new styles each year.  Read up on them, ask friends who have brewed them for any tips.  I love the history on how some of these styles came to be. On the other hand, I also like the idea of focusing on a few styles to really improve with each iteration and hone the process.

I'd like to thank Jim again for writing that very detailed article on Kraussening last month. If anyone else has an idea for a specific article (that you want or want someone else to write), please let me know.
Upcoming Events
  • December 24, Christmas Eve  –  You can have some traditional German gluhwein or a Christmas Ale or leave Santa a beer and spent-grain cookies that go perfectly with it.
  • December 25, Christmas & Start of Hanukkah  –  Happy Holidays!
  • December 31, New Years Eve –   Get ready to celebrate the end of the year the right way – having fun! Make sure to live up to the name of National Hangover Day, which falls tomorrow on the first day of the new year.
Upcoming Competitions

  • Bière de Rock – French and Belgian inspired beer competition.  Registration opens 12/21/24 here.
  • Sweetheart's Revenge 2025 – Registration opens 12/16/24 here
  • Peak to Peak ProAM 2025 – Registration opens 12/15/24 here.

December Club Update: 

2025 OTMP Bock Beer Competition!
It was decided at last month's meeting that it's far time to have another competition. So here are the details.  The competition will be tournament style (no score sheets like last time).  We will hold it during the April 2025 meeting being hosted by the Aikmans.  This will be a Bock competition, meaning you can make your recipe of the following styles:  Helles Bock, Dunkles Bock, Doppelbock, Weizenbock, or Eisbock. It is suggested that you bring 2 bottles or enough to have it judged 2-3 times.  Plenty of time to plan and brew!  More information about signing up will come closer to April 2025, but start planning your brew now.

I want to take a moment to mention that the club does have a Discord site to talk all things beer, recipes, processes, what you're drinking and other random stuff.  You can be active or a fly on the wall.  Please consider joining the fun.  https://discord.com/invite/aSJrGmY4dv

AHA Membership:
As many of us are members of the AHA we get benefits from being members, from discounts, to early ticket releases we all now have another perk. OTMP is now a registered supporter of the AHA; meaning that if you use the discount code OTMP at checkout you will receive $5 off an annual membership as well as the club will be given $5. Feel free to share with anyone looking to join the AHA. This can be an easy way for those of us that annually renew to also roll some extra cash back to the club. 

December Meeting Info:


Jim's Bier Barn (East Arvada) (annual)


6113 Marshall St, Arvada, CO 80003




7:00 – Beer tastings

* Don't ring the front door. Enter from the north side to the backyard beer-escape.


Register Beers and RSVP to the meeting here.

View registered beers here.

November Meeting Recap:

Great meeting.  Charles was a great host with some tasty food, as always!  Plenty of beer for the night.  After we plowed our way through delicious member beers we had a surprise from Jeff and Sarah Aikman.  They had a whole lineup of Festbier and Marzen from GABF entries.  This was a real treat.  Found some really good ones and a few that we didn't even think fit the style guidelines.  Another treat was to get Aaron to 2 meetings in a row and even a Colter in attendance!  Glad to see these guys again!

Future Meeting Locations: (If you can offer a location for a future slot please reach out):

As a club that relies on member assistance having meeting locations for the club is necessary, if you have the ability in warm weather or inside for colder months please check below to see if you can host for one month.  The club officers (yes we have officers) have decided this year to give meeting hosts some money.  It takes time, money and effort to host a meeting and this helps encourage the hosting. $50 for hosting a meeting.


December (2024) – Jim's Bier Barn (East Arvada) (annual)

January (2025) – Charles Basement Tap Room (Central Arvada) (annual)

February (2025) –  Cole's Personal Cooperstown Basement Bar (Central Arvada) (annual)

March (2025) – Dave's Commercial Club House (Westminster)

April (2025) –  Jeff and Sarah Aikman's Da Pub (Arvada) (annual)

May (2025) – Dennis' House of Foam (West West Arvada)

June (2025) – Evan Brewery (Central Arvada) (annual)

July (2025) – open

August (2025) – Chuck's Under the Stairs Speakeasy (West Arvada) (annual)

September (2025) –  Chris's Construction Brewing Company (Very, Very South Arvada, maybe Lakewood)

OTMP -December Meeting 12/18/24 – November Meeting Recap

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Holidays. Beer. Family. Beer. Festivities. Beer. New Year. Beer. We know where this is going.  Happy holidays all, for whatever you celebrate!  I, for one, am grateful for this group going into the new year.  A new year looking forward to great meetings and beer discussions.  Looking forward to our long overdue Bock competition in April (reminder to brew or start thinking of brewing depending on the style!) Tis the season for seasonal beer, uncomfortable political discussions with family, overeating, and promises to work out again.

What are your 2025 brewing goals?  Brew a new style?  Focus in on 1 or 2 specific styles and work on consistency and improvement of those styles?  I love both these ideas.  I always strive to brew at least 1-2 new styles each year.  Read up on them, ask friends who have brewed them for any tips.  I love the history on how some of these styles came to be. On the other hand, I also like the idea of focusing on a few styles to really improve with each iteration and hone the process.

I'd like to thank Jim again for writing that very detailed article on Kraussening last month. If anyone else has an idea for a specific article (that you want or want someone else to write), please let me know.
Upcoming Events
  • December 24, Christmas Eve  –  You can have some traditional German gluhwein or a Christmas Ale or leave Santa a beer and spent-grain cookies that go perfectly with it.
  • December 25, Christmas & Start of Hanukkah  –  Happy Holidays!
  • December 31, New Years Eve –   Get ready to celebrate the end of the year the right way – having fun! Make sure to live up to the name of National Hangover Day, which falls tomorrow on the first day of the new year.
Upcoming Competitions

  • Bière de Rock – French and Belgian inspired beer competition.  Registration opens 12/21/24 here.
  • Sweetheart's Revenge 2025 – Registration opens 12/16/24 here
  • Peak to Peak ProAM 2025 – Registration opens 12/15/24 here.

December Club Update: 

2025 OTMP Bock Beer Competition!
It was decided at last month's meeting that it's far time to have another competition. So here are the details.  The competition will be tournament style (no score sheets like last time).  We will hold it during the April 2025 meeting being hosted by the Aikmans.  This will be a Bock competition, meaning you can make your recipe of the following styles:  Helles Bock, Dunkles Bock, Doppelbock, Weizenbock, or Eisbock. It is suggested that you bring 2 bottles or enough to have it judged 2-3 times.  Plenty of time to plan and brew!  More information about signing up will come closer to April 2025, but start planning your brew now.

I want to take a moment to mention that the club does have a Discord site to talk all things beer, recipes, processes, what you're drinking and other random stuff.  You can be active or a fly on the wall.  Please consider joining the fun.  https://discord.com/invite/aSJrGmY4dv

AHA Membership:
As many of us are members of the AHA we get benefits from being members, from discounts, to early ticket releases we all now have another perk. OTMP is now a registered supporter of the AHA; meaning that if you use the discount code OTMP at checkout you will receive $5 off an annual membership as well as the club will be given $5. Feel free to share with anyone looking to join the AHA. This can be an easy way for those of us that annually renew to also roll some extra cash back to the club. 

December Meeting Info:


Jim's Bier Barn (East Arvada) (annual)


6113 Marshall St, Arvada, CO 80003




7:00 – Beer tastings

* Don't ring the front door. Enter from the north side to the backyard beer-escape.


Register Beers and RSVP to the meeting here.

View registered beers here.

November Meeting Recap:

Great meeting.  Charles was a great host with some tasty food, as always!  Plenty of beer for the night.  After we plowed our way through delicious member beers we had a surprise from Jeff and Sarah Aikman.  They had a whole lineup of Festbier and Marzen from GABF entries.  This was a real treat.  Found some really good ones and a few that we didn't even think fit the style guidelines.  Another treat was to get Aaron to 2 meetings in a row and even a Colter in attendance!  Glad to see these guys again!

Future Meeting Locations: (If you can offer a location for a future slot please reach out):

As a club that relies on member assistance having meeting locations for the club is necessary, if you have the ability in warm weather or inside for colder months please check below to see if you can host for one month.  The club officers (yes we have officers) have decided this year to give meeting hosts some money.  It takes time, money and effort to host a meeting and this helps encourage the hosting. $50 for hosting a meeting.


December (2024) – Jim's Bier Barn (East Arvada) (annual)

January (2025) – Charles Basement Tap Room (Central Arvada) (annual)

February (2025) –  Cole's Personal Cooperstown Basement Bar (Central Arvada) (annual)

March (2025) – Dave's Commercial Club House (Westminster)

April (2025) –  Jeff and Sarah Aikman's Da Pub (Arvada) (annual)

May (2025) – Dennis' House of Foam (West West Arvada)

June (2025) – Evan Brewery (Central Arvada) (annual)

July (2025) – open

August (2025) – Chuck's Under the Stairs Speakeasy (West Arvada) (annual)

September (2025) –  Chris's Construction Brewing Company (Very, Very South Arvada, maybe Lakewood)

OTMP -November Meeting 11/20/24 – October Meeting Recap

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Halloween, for me, is always a great time. This year particularly as the neighborhood has come to expect to not only find a good assortment of candy for their kids to paw at, but draft beer for the adults that have to trudge through the cold.  This year was no different.  Adults hurriedly walking up the driveway (past their kid) to see if beer was again being served.  It was.  This year was my annual pumpkin beer and, in my wife's opinion, it was the best it's ever come out.  To quote my neighbor, Tom: “I've never been keen on Pumpkin beer and I've never ordered a second one…..can I have a refill?”
At one point there was a line of about 6-8 adults and then I saw a tiny little ghost in the back of the line lean over and ask in the cutest little voice “is there any candy here?”.  All the adults laughed and ushered him to the front.  I love things like this.  

In the current political climate (Don't worry, I will never talk politics with these newsletters), it was a nice feeling that folks were brought together by the love of a holiday and beer.  Mostly beer.  I knew some neighbors, met knew ones that I've seen around, learned some new names, but that's it.  Just talked beer and enjoyed the evening.  Also found out that someone in my neighborhood own and operates the Red Rocks Beer Garden in Morrison.  This was pretty cool because they only feature Colorado beer.  The wife and I have been there routinely through the summer.

Okay, back to beer.  Attached is an article I asked our own Jim Spaulding to write up to share his knowledge and love of Krausening.  Please give it a read.  There's a lot of great information in there.  I thank Jim for taking the time to do this for us.  I will be examining my own lager process to see how I can incorporate this into my lagers.

Upcoming Events
  • November 25, Thanksgiving (Drinksgiving) –  It’s time to have some fun and enjoy the celebration before the chaos that is Thanksgiving. Have a couple drinks with your old friends and toast the fact that you’re finally home for the holidays!  Eat a lot of food, drink alcohol, and gather around the table! This day marks the beginning of the holiday season, as well as more time to talk about politics, relationship prospects, and other uncomfortable subjects with relatives from far and wide.
  • November 28, Small Brewery Sunday –  After the tough economy of 2020 and 2021, small business could really use our support, and today is the perfect day to show it. Buy your favorite beer and show your support for these small businesses today.
  • December 5, National Repeal Day – Today 88 years ago, the Prohibition-era 18th Amendment was repealed! Without this repeal, alcohol, and the entire brewing world, would not exist as we know it. Happy National Repeal Day!
  • December 10, National Lager Day –  We recommend a few winter lagers to enjoy along with the cooling outdoor temperatures today. Cheers!
Upcoming Competitions

  • Bière de Rock – French and Belgian inspired beer competition.  Registration opens 12/21/24 here.
  • Sweetheart's Revenge 2025 – Registration opens 12/16/24 here.

November Club Update: 

2025 OTMP Bock Beer Competition!
It was decided at last month's meeting that it's far time to have another competition. So here are the details.  The competition will be tournament style (no score sheets like last time).  We will hold it during the April 2025 meeting being hosted by the Aikmans.  This will be a Bock competition, meaning you can make your recipe of the following styles:  Helles Bock, Dunkles Bock, Doppelbock, Weizenbock, or Eisbock. It is suggested that you bring 2 bottles or enough to have it judged 2-3 times.  Plenty of time to plan and brew!  More information about signing up will come closer to April 2025, but start planning your brew now.

I want to take a moment to mention that the club does have a Discord site to talk all things beer, recipes, processes, what you're drinking and other random stuff.  You can be active or a fly on the wall.  Please consider joining the fun.  https://discord.com/invite/aSJrGmY4dv

AHA Membership:
As many of us are members of the AHA we get benefits from being members, from discounts, to early ticket releases we all now have another perk. OTMP is now a registered supporter of the AHA; meaning that if you use the discount code OTMP at checkout you will receive $5 off an annual membership as well as the club will be given $5. Feel free to share with anyone looking to join the AHA. This can be an easy way for those of us that annually renew to also roll some extra cash back to the club. 

November Meeting Info:


Charles Basement Tap Room (Central Arvada) 


6038 Balsam St, Arvada, CO 80004




6:30 – Pre-meeting pint

7:00 – Beer tastings


Register Beers and RSVP to the meeting here.

View registered beers here.

October Meeting Recap:

Great meeting.  Had about 10 beers to taste and then a few commercials and spirits afterwards.  Showed off the shiny new brewery that I'm still getting used to.  Had an Aaron sighting, so that's always fun.  Mr Evan Sherlock came back into the fold and joined us for a fun evening.  It was really good to see Evan again!  Even even bussed some of these yahoos down from Arvada. Spoke about the NA beer he's been enjoying, but also looks forward to getting back into brewing in the new year.  I always love our meetings.

Future Meeting Locations: (If you can offer a location for a future slot please reach out):

As a club that relies on member assistance having meeting locations for the club is necessary, if you have the ability in warm weather or inside for colder months please check below to see if you can host for one month.  The club officers (yes we have officers) have decided this year to give meeting hosts some money.  It takes time, money and effort to host a meeting and this helps encourage the hosting. $50 for hosting a meeting.


December (2024) – Jim's Bier Barn (East Arvada) (annual)

January (2025) – Charles Basement Tap Room (Central Arvada) (annual)

February (2025) –  Cole's Personal Cooperstown Basement Bar (Central Arvada) (annual)

March (2025) – Dave's Commercial Club House (Westminster)

April (2025) –  Jeff and Sarah Aikman's Da Pub (Arvada) (annual)

May (2025) – Dennis' House of Foam (West West Arvada)

June (2025) – Evan Brewery (Central Arvada) (annual)

July (2025) – open

August (2025) – Chuck's Under the Stairs Speakeasy (West Arvada) (annual)

September (2025) –  Chris's Construction Brewing Company (Very, Very South Arvada, maybe Lakewood)

OTMP -October Meeting 10/16/24 – September Meeting Recap


That's how I feel right now.  Also beer naps…the best.  The past month has been quite the beer marathon.  From Oktoberfests, birthdays, anniversaries, GABF and all the events (every day) leading towards it, and Denver Rare Beer fest.  It's been awesome, but the break is much needed.  That said, I'm sure I'll still see some of you professionals at Saturday's GABF. 

I'd like to give a big thanks to all those that brewed and helped with the AHA GABF Club night.  It was honestly better than I thought it was going to be.  I envisioned the 9 registered clubs and the 40 or so people just sitting around and drinking each other's beer wondering if we could have just done it tailgate style in the parking lot.  Instead, they sold about 150 tickets and we met other homebrewers from out of town that were in town for GABF.  Our booth was pretty good I'd say, having never put something like this together.

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Upcoming Events
  • October 27, National American Beer Day  Enjoy the 434-year history of beer-making that this country has to offer as an American who likes beer. You won’t regret it!
  • November 4, International Stout Day –  Stouts, a strong flavored beer, are ideal to partake in today. There are so many dark, full-bodied stouts around. You’ll be hard-pressed to stop at just one. We lean towards the dry Irish Stout on this day. Cheers!
  • November 2, Learn How to Homebrew Day – It’s the best time to get your friends and family involved who have always wanted to learn the art of homebrewing, but have not yet given it a try. This year's AHA recipe can be found here.
  • November 9, Veterans Day – For all those who have served, we thank you for your service and raise a glass to you! Make sure you buy a veteran a beer today!
  • November 12, National Happy Hour Day From 1913 when the practice was begun by the Navy as a morale booster, to 1956 when the practice became mainstream, the idea of heading to your favorite hangout for a few drinks has been around for quite some time. It’s 5 o’clock somewhere – especially today! 
Upcoming Competitions
  • The Brew Hut's Annual Homebrew Competition Free entry to Colorado residents.  Only 9 slots left.  Register here.
  • Bière de Rock – French and Belgian inspired beer competition.  Registration opens 12/21/24 here.
  • Sweetheart's Revenge 2025 – Registration opens 12/16/24 here.

September Club Update: 

2025 OTMP Bock Beer Competition!
It was decided at last month's meeting that it's far time to have another competition. So here are the details.  The competition will be tournament style (no score sheets like last time).  We will hold it during the April 2025 meeting being hosted by the Aikmans.  This will be a Bock competition, meaning you can make your recipe of the following styles:  Helles Bock, Duckles Bock, Doppelbock, Weizenbock, or Eisbock. It is suggested that you bring 2 bottles or enough to have it judged 2-3 times.  Plenty of time to plan and brew!

AHA Membership:
As many of us are members of the AHA we get benefits from being members, from discounts, to early ticket releases we all now have another perk. OTMP is now a registered supporter of the AHA; meaning that if you use the discount code OTMP at checkout you will receive $5 off an annual membership as well as the club will be given $5. Feel free to share with anyone looking to join the AHA. This can be an easy way for those of us that annually renew to also roll some extra cash back to the club. 
October Meeting Info:


Chris' – Construction Brewing Company (Very, Very South Arvada, maybe Lakewood) 


14148 W Cornell Ave, Lakewood, CO 80228




6:30 – Brewery tour and pre-meeting pint

7:00 – Beer tastings

Wife will be out of town, so just let yourself in and proceed downstairs.


Register Beers and RSVP to the meeting here.

View registered beers here.

September Meeting Recap:

Small, but great meeting up at Dave's manly-man shed/warhouse buliding of sweat, beer and back pains.  Dave was a good host with burgers and chips/dips to keep our bellies full.  I think there were more ebikes at this meeting than cars.  Scott Jackson provided a nice side by side comparison of his Marzens.  Identical batches, split between two different yeasts.  I love these type of tastings.  Great meeting, thanks to all that attended.

Future Meeting Locations: (If you can offer a location for a future slot please reach out):

As a club that relies on member assistance having meeting locations for the club is necessary, if you have the ability in warm weather or inside for colder months please check below to see if you can host for one month.  The club officers (yes we have officers) have decided this year to give meeting hosts some money.  It takes time, money and effort to host a meeting and this helps encourage the hosting. $50 for hosting a meeting.


November (2024) –  Jim's Bier Barn   (East Arvada) (annual)

December (2024) – Jim's Bier Barn (East Arvada) (annual)

January (2025) – Charles Basement Tap Room (Central Arvada) (annual)

February (2025) –  Cole's Personal Cooperstown Basement Bar (Central Arvada) (annual)

March (2025) – Dave's Commercial Club House (Westminster)

April (2025) –  Jeff and Sarah Aikman's Da Pub (Arvada) (annual)

May (2025) – Dennis' House of Foam (West West Arvada)

June (2025) – Evan Brewery (Central Arvada) (annual)

July (2025) – open

August (2025) – Chuck's Under the Stairs Speakeasy (West Arvada) (annual)

September (2025) –  Chris's Construction Brewing Company (Very, Very South Arvada, maybe Lakewood)

OTMP -September Meeting 9/18/24 – August Meeting Recap


September, yup, you got it….OKTOBERFEST season!  But first, it's nice to be back to beer after taking the wife to Napa wine country.  It was absolutely beautiful there with great weather.  I was able to squeeze in a trip to Russian River's new Windsor location, which was awesome.  Best beer flight ever as you can see by the picture above.  Also went to Fieldworks brewery in downtown Napa, which was decent.  Then I was promptly reminded that this was a wine trip, lol.  Napa is expensive.  The wine is expensive.  But the wife loved it, so there, done.  Now back to more important things…BEER!

On a personal note, I'm still dialing in my new system and getting used to all the quirks.  I remember Evan telling me after he got his new upgraded system that it took him nearly a year to really get it dialed in, so I will continue to keep working.  Getting the grain crush, mash/water consistency, and vorlaufing just right has been a challenge to hit my numbers.  My 5 gallon brews tend to be right on the money, but my 10 gallon brews have failed to fully hit my OG, so I've had to toss in some DME to accommodate the loss.  Anyways, this should be discussed over a beer, not a newsletter.

There are going to be a slew of events over the next month with Oktoberfest and GABF rounding the corner.  Instead of a picture of every one of them, I'll try and spare you with only a listing of the local events to come.
Quick plug.  Some of you know I still play “old man” soccer for a league hosted by the German Kickers Clubhouse (16776 W 50th Ave, Golden, CO 80403).  They're having their own Oktoberfest party 9/13-915, information can be found here.  The weather is going to be nice, live music, folk dancing, stein hoisting, Warsteiner draft beer, brats, and GB & Fish will be there as well.  My wife and I plan on going Saturday at 12noon, so hit me up if you want to join for a beer!

Also!  6 & 40 is having their 4th Anniversary celebration this weekend (9/13-9/15).  My wife and I will be stopping by Sunday around 1230/1pm for some beers and food.  Come join for a beer!

September 21, Oktoberfest Kickoff (Munich) Oktoberfest officially kicks off in Munich, but is it me that I find local Oktoberfest festivals tend to do it whenever they want in September and October?  Regardless, find one, drink a beer and grab a pretzel!

September 20, Sour Beer Day Today is the perfect day to enjoy your favorite Sour! Once considered an unusual style of beer, it is now viewed as one of the world’s most popular styles of beer!
September 27, Crush a Can Day Open a beer, break that sucker open, and crush that, too. Once you’ve done that, recycle everything and make a difference.

September 28, National Drink a Beer Day If you need a reason to drink beer today – here you go! Cheers!

October 1, Barrel Aged Beer Day – Enjoy a barrel-aged beer today, and enjoy the flavor that has taken months, or perhaps years, in the barrel to perfect!

October 14, Homebrewing Legalization Day –  This day marks 45 years of legal homebrewing in the United States! Thanks to Jimmy Carter!

GABF Week Events (10/9/24 – 10/12/24)
Wednesday, October 9, 2024
Thursday, October 10, 2024
Friday, October 11, 2024
Saturday, October 12, 2024

September Club Update: 

2025 OTMP Bock Beer Competition!
It was decided at last month's meeting that it's far time to have another competition. So here are the details.  The competition will be tournament style (no score sheets like last time).  We will hold it during the April 2025 meeting being hosted by the Aikmans.  This will be a Bock competition, meaning you can make your recipe of the following styles:  Helles Bock, Duckles Bock, Doppelbock, Weizenbock, or Eisbock. It is suggested that you bring 2 bottles or enough to have it judged 2-3 times.  Plenty of time to plan and brew!

AHA Club Night (October 9, 2024; 6:00pm-9:00pm)
We have a few people committed to brewing the beer for this – Thank you!  We are responsible for decorating, providing serving equipment and serving our beer.  Here is some of the information we know:
  • 6:00 – 9:00 Location: We’ve secured a wonderful brewery location near the Colorado Convention Center in Denver. (DBC Production facility on 44th and Jason St.)
  • Clubs are responsible for bringing/shipping their kegs and providing all dispensing equipment. Kegs/beer can be brought during our setup time of 12pm-5pm. Serving starts at 6pm and all taps MUST be turned off at 9pm. We have from 9pm-11pm to break down and get out.
  • We have 4 individuals brewing up beer for our table. AHA is only giving us 2 complimentary tickets, so those will go to our brewers. Club officers have decided that the other 3 brewers tickets will be covered if they want to attend. Everyone else that wants to attend will need to purchase a $30 ticket here and have proof of your AHA membership when you show up.
  • 21+ only, and all attendees/club representatives must be AHA members.
  • Clubs must follow the Event Entry Policy and the AHA’s Code of Conduct.
  • Booth space sizes and how booths are divided is TBD. Our decoration theme will be
  • Electricity is not provided.

AHA Membership:
As many of us are members of the AHA we get benefits from being members, from discounts, to early ticket releases we all now have another perk. OTMP is now a registered supporter of the AHA; meaning that if you use the discount code OTMP at checkout you will receive $5 off an annual membership as well as the club will be given $5. Feel free to share with anyone looking to join the AHA. This can be an easy way for those of us that annually renew to also roll some extra cash back to the club. 
September Meeting Info:


Dave's Commercial Club House (Westminster)


9172 Marshall Place, Westminster, CO 80031




7:00 – Beer tastings


Register Beers and RSVP to the meeting here.

View registered beers here.

August Meeting Recap:

Unfortunately I was unable to attend this meeting, but Charles stepped up and volunteered to herd the cats, errr I mean beer samples.

Role call: Jim, Ryan, Chuck (host), Cody (came late because work), Cole, Scott, Kale, Jeff + Sarah, Gordon, Charles, Jeremy, Dennis, Nate

Chuck was a great host and supplied some tasty brats to pair our beer samples with. Scott brought some rogue beers that weren't submitted to the list, but the judges (except that damn Russian Judge) allowed the entries. After the homebrewed beers were downed a healthy supply of tasty commercial beers came out of left field. Great meeting and hosting, thanks Chuck!

Meeting Recap / Beers:

Future Meeting Locations: (If you can offer a location for a future slot please reach out):

As a club that relies on member assistance having meeting locations for the club is necessary, if you have the ability in warm weather or inside for colder months please check below to see if you can host for one month.     The club officers (yes we have officers) have decided this year to give meeting hosts some money.  It takes time, money and effort to host a meeting and this helps encourage the hosting.$50 for hosting a meeting.


September (2024) – Dave's Commercial Club House (Westminster)

OTMP -August Meeting 8/21/24 – July Meeting Recap


August…., damn, it's still freaking hot.  Luckily recently we've cooled down out of the 90s.  Festivals are still going on and vacations are still on people's minds.  Children are headed back to school….so shout out to our educators as their 9 month prison, I mean teaching sentence begins. Have a beer for our educators!  They'll need it.  Unfortunately I cannot make this month's meeting.  Don't worry, you'll be fine.  Charles will be herding the cats and taking notes on the tasty beers. From all the breweries and beer vacations I've taken my wife on, I guess it's her turn.  I'll be taking her to Napa during the week of the meeting.  But don't fret, since I'm in the area, we will be stopping by Russian River…..so win?

Oktoberfest is just around the corner and I'm hoping I'm ready.  10 gallons of Marzen, 5 gallons of Bohemian Pilsner, 5 gallons of Weissbier, 4 gallons of Mexican Corn Lager, and 4 gallons of Irish Red Ale.  Already planning the next batches as I know a lot of that will be gone come mid-October.  So far planning to do an Altbier named “Ctrl-Alt-Drink”.  Distilling a spiced rum and making another berry mead are also on the schedule.

I mentioned it on Discord, but I'll make note of it here.  The Colorado Homebrew clubs are having their first annual Colorado Homebrewer's Conference on 8/17/24 from 11am-6pm and hosted at The Brew Hut.  Speakers and beer will be served.  This was thrown together a little at the last minute given the AHA dropped the ball and pulled the rug out on us on the National Homebrew Conference that was supposed to be hosted here in Denver the same time as GABF.  I cannot attend this year, but I'm hoping this becomes a recurring thing that we will, no doubt, participate in and attend.

September 7, National Beer Lover’s Day  –   Today, you deserve to celebrate yourself! Cheers to you! Hug that beer!

September 2, Labor Day  –   Sit back and enjoy some suds!
September 18, Oktoberfest Begins!  –    Oktoberfest begins today in Munich, Germany! You don’t have to travel all the way to Munich to celebrate – there are Oktoberfest celebrations happening around the world!

Rocky Mountain Homebrew Challenge 2024 – Competition is open for entries, enter and register beers here.  You can also just sign up to steward or judge – recommend this if you've never done a competition.

August Club Update: 
OTMP Club Membership Dues
To those that have not paid yet for FY25 dues, you can pay Chuck at this month's meeting or electronically below. Please try and get your dues renewed sooner rather than later.  Chuck needs your first and last name and your AHA number (if you have one).
AHA reimburses our insurance premium if 75% of our members are AHA members.  Last year with 26 members we had to hit 20 AHA members (almost 100%) to get reimbursed.  If you are an AHA member please log into your account on the AHA site and select Olde Town Mash Paddlers as your home brew club.  AHA takes our roster and checks the member database for club affiliation.  We encourage our members to join the AHA and you get a $5 discount on your membership by being an OTMP member.
DUES: The dues are $30 annually.
PAYPAL- We have a club Paypal account – just sent payment to (paypal.me/OldeTownMashPaddlers / email: oldetownmashpaddlers@gmail.com).

2025 OTMP Bock Beer Competition!
It was decided at last month's meeting that it's far time to have another competition. So here are the details.  The competition will be tournament style (no score sheets like last time).  We will hold it during the April 2025 meeting being hosted by the Aikmans.  This will be a Bock competition, meaning you can make your recipe of the following styles:  Helles Bock, Duckles Bock, Doppelbock, Weizenbock, or Eisbock. It is suggested that you bring 2 bottles or enough to have it judged 2-3 times.  Plenty of time to plan and brew!

AHA Club Night (October 9, 2024; 6:30pm-9:30pm)
Details are still coming out and more information will be provided as I get them.  This is free for us to participate in.  We must brew and provide kegs of beer to serve on the night to attendees that showcase our club.  We are responsible for decorating, providing serving equipment and serving our beer.  Here is some of the information we know:
  • 6:30 – 9:30 Location: We’ve secured a wonderful brewery location near the Colorado Convention Center in Denver. (DBC Production facility on 44th and Jason St.)
  • Clubs are responsible for bringing/shipping their kegs and providing all dispensing equipment. Delivery dates TBD.
  • 21+ only, and all attendees/club representatives must be AHA members.
  • Clubs must follow the Event Entry Policy and the AHA’s Code of Conduct.
  • Booth space sizes and how booths are divided is TBD.
  • Electricity is not provided.

AHA Membership:
As many of us are members of the AHA we get benefits from being members, from discounts, to early ticket releases we all now have another perk. OTMP is now a registered supporter of the AHA; meaning that if you use the discount code OTMP at checkout you will receive $5 off an annual membership as well as the club will be given $5. Feel free to share with anyone looking to join the AHA. This can be an easy way for those of us that annually renew to also roll some extra cash back to the club. 
August Meeting Info:


Chuck's Under the Stairs Speakeasy (West Arvada)


13909 W 59th Dr, Arvada, CO 80004

Come around the side to the backyard.




7:00 – Beer tastings


Register Beers and RSVP to the meeting here.

View registered beers here.

July Meeting Recap:

Excitement from the get go.  Voss was scheduled to host, but instead decided to not know the date as he was out of town on a beach somewhere.  Jim had wondered over there the day earlier to drop beer off and “surprised” is the reaction Voss' significant other had.  After a quick scramble and rising anxiety, Charles stepped up and hosted at the last minute.  The evening was very fun.  We made decisions about the above mentioned 2025 OTMP Bock Beer Competition.  The theme for the night was weiners.   Yes, you heard it, weiners.  Forget the fact that the meetings are usually sausage fests (thank you Adriana and Sarah for continuing to join us!). We spent most the night commenting on Charles' Weiner beer.  We also heard Ryan, Jeff, Nathan and other “manly men” were off on their “Manly men camping weekend”, but we just heard this as their “Broke Back Mountain weekend”.  Countless “weiner”, “broke back” and “I can't quit you” jokes ensued over the night. Scott also made a comment that it couldn't be the “manly men weekend” as he wasn't invited.  So between good beer and talk of weiners….oh yea, Charles also made brats for us….so yeah….weiners galore!  The bar was set low last month.

Meeting Recap / Beers:

Future Meeting Locations: (If you can offer a location for a future slot please reach out):

As a club that relies on member assistance having meeting locations for the club is necessary, if you have the ability in warm weather or inside for colder months please check below to see if you can host for one month.   The club officers (yes we have officers) have decided this year to give meeting hosts some money.  It takes time, money and effort to host a meeting and this helps encourage the hosting.  $50 for hosting a meeting.


August (2024) – Chuck's Under the Stairs Speakeasy (West Arvada)

September (2024) – Dave's Commercial Club House (Westminster)

OTMP -July Meeting 7/17/24 – June Meeting Recap

CHANGE IN MEETING LOCATION.  It appears Voss had the dates wrong and isn't around this week.
Charles has been awesome and has agreed to step up and host.  Address is below.  Thanks Charles!
7pm tasting
Charles Basement Tap Room (Central Arvada)
6038 Balsam St, Arvada, CO 80004
Brewer in Chief
Olde Town Mash Paddlers

On Wed, Jul 10, 2024 at 9:46 AM Olde Town Mash Paddlers <oldetownmashpaddlers@gmail.com> wrote:

July has fallen upon us and so has the ridiculous heat.  While I'm sure Jim has ceased all beer production at this point and is making better use out of his time sipping bier in his quaint biergarden of solitude, Charles has probably brewed twice while I've written this newsletter.  I'm enjoying my new system more and more with every brew and like some, are now focused on Oktoberfest season brewing.  Planning to have a Bohemian Pilsner, Marzen, German Hefeweizen, and possibly a Helles going for the more glorious time of year this fall.  That said, with this heat, I'm definitely enjoying lawn mower beer.  Charles hosted Murica day, which I heard was a great hit.  I plan to try and attend next year! 

On a personal side note, I've again been taking my trailer camping wherever I can.  We try to hit 1 big National Park each year and this year was awesome.  We spent just over a week doing Arches, Capitol Reef, Zion, Bryce and Grand Staircase Escalante.  Oh man….words come hard to describe some of the places.  And good beer at the end of a day's hike or scenic drive is just so nice at the campfire.  We also hit the total eclipse down in Texas (between Fort Worth and Waco, specifically Lake Whitney).  Just did Rocky Mountain National Park and are planning to hit Great Sanddunes National Park later this October.

It's been a minute since we last did a club competition.  No, BJCP stuff, don't worry, just good old fun and shenanigans. I'd like to discuss this at this month's meeting to discuss a possible month and style target(s).  We will do it tourney style to make it go quicker this time.  No, there won't be seeding, just randomized chaos!  It's beer, relax.

July 12 – National Michelada Day –  A Michelada combines beer with chili, making it the perfect mixer for a hot day. Enjoy one made with mango, passion fruit, or tamarind or smoked with a merken chilli.


July 13 – Arvada On Tap 2024 Arvada on Tap is a fun outlet for craft beer and BBQ sampling! Features craft breweries, local food, vendors, and great music.  Helps support Arvada community partners and the great services they provide in the community! All proceeds from this event will go to Arvada community partners.  Pre-Sale (Cheaper) tickets available through July 12, 2024 at:  https://arvadafestivals.ticketspice.com/2024-arvada-on-tap-tickets.

July 13 – Breckenridge Summer Beer Festival 2024 –  The Breckenridge Summer Beer Festival is one of the premiere summer events in Breckenridge each year bringing over 40 breweries for tastings, live music, a VIP area and wonderful food and retail vendors. Tickets: https://summer.breckenridgebeerfestival.com/

July 13 – Colorado Brewers Rendezvous
–  The Colorado Brewers Rendezvous will take place in historic Salida, CO, against a backdrop of beautiful views of the Collegiate Peaks and the Arkansas River. Born out of camaraderie and tradition this is one of the most highly anticipated craft beer festivals in the industry, featuring 70 Colorado craft breweries next to breathtaking views of the Collegiate Peaks and the Arkansas River. Tickets: https://salidachamber.org/event/save-the-date-for-the-28th-annual-brewers-rendezvous/


July 18 – St. Arnoldus Day –  So, that’s why Saint Arnoldus is a patron saint for hop-pickers and Belgian brewers after saving many people from a plague by advocating people to “drink beer” instead of water.

August 3 – Keystone Bluegrass and Beer Festival
–    It’s August and that means Keystone’s Bluegrass and Beer Festival. Celebrate the best craft beers, string bands, summer and good company in the mountains at the state’s longest running craft beer festival!  Tickets: https://www.keystonefestivals.com/festivals/bluegrass-and-beer/

August 5 – IPA Day! –   Traditionally, this holiday falls on the first Thursday of August every year, and it’s the perfect day to enjoy your favorite IPA! 


August 6 – International Beer Day! – As the beer and brewing world expands, we believe there will be a place for our passion to be shared among one another. It is the perfect day around the world for all beer enthusiasts, regardless of their locations and differences, to come together to celebrate the thing we share that makes us a community. Let’s toast the beverage that has brought so many people together around the world from so many different backgrounds today! Enjoy your favorite beers today and cheers!

July Club Update: 
OTMP Club Membership Dues
Chuck sent an email out to notify the members about renewal of dues.  We've had about 17 pay already with another 3-4 saying they'll bring cash to the July meeting.  Please try and get your dues renewed sooner rather than later.  Chuck needs your first and last name and your AHA number (if you have one).
AHA reimburses our insurance premium if 75% of our members are AHA members.  Last year with 26 members we had to hit 20 AHA members (almost 100%) to get reimbursed.  If you are an AHA member please log into your account on the AHA site and select Olde Town Mash Paddlers as your home brew club.  AHA takes our roster and checks the member database for club affiliation.  We encourage our members to join the AHA and you get a $5 discount on your membership by being an OTMP member.
DUES: The dues are $30 annually.
PAYPAL- We have a club Paypal account – just sent payment to (paypal.me/OldeTownMashPaddlers / email: oldetownmashpaddlers@gmail.com).

AHA Club Night (October 9, 2024; 6:30pm-9:30pm)
Details are still coming out and more information will be provided as I get them.  This is free for us to participate in.  We must brew and provide kegs of beer to serve on the night to attendees that showcase our club.  We are responsible for decorating, providing serving equipment and serving our beer.  Here is some of the information we know:
  • 6:30 – 9:30 Location: We’ve secured a wonderful brewery location near the Colorado Convention Center in Denver. (DBC Production facility on 44th and Jason St.)
  • Clubs are responsible for bringing/shipping their kegs and providing all dispensing equipment. Delivery dates TBD.
  • 21+ only, and all attendees/club representatives must be AHA members.
  • Clubs must follow the Event Entry Policy and the AHA’s Code of Conduct.
  • Booth space sizes and how booths are divided is TBD.
  • Electricity is not provided.

AHA Membership:
As many of us are members of the AHA we get benefits from being members, from discounts, to early ticket releases we all now have another perk. OTMP is now a registered supporter of the AHA; meaning that if you use the discount code OTMP at checkout you will receive $5 off an annual membership as well as the club will be given $5. Feel free to share with anyone looking to join the AHA. This can be an easy way for those of us that annually renew to also roll some extra cash back to the club. 
April Meeting Info:


Voss Farms (Westish Arvada)


13870 W 72nd Ave, Arvada, CO 80005

2nd house down a shared driveway just east of Eldridge Street.

Look for 2 Mailboxes on the south side of 72nd. Drive slow going down the driveway or your car will be egged.




6:15 – Gates Open for pre-meeting beer

7:00 – Beer tastings


Register Beers and RSVP to the meeting here.

View registered beers here.

June Meeting Recap:

Dave was a great host and holy crap, what a space for his tinkering and toys!  We confirmed that the barrel project is in a good home, all nestled in a cozy room with no drippage.  Burgers and sides fed our bellies, so we could commence with the beer.  15 total beers sampled.  Charles got upset when I was also bringing 3 beers, so he added one on his drive over to reign supreme with 4 beers.  You win.

Meeting Recap / Beers:

Future Meeting Locations: (If you can offer a location for a future slot please reach out):

As a club that relies on member assistance having meeting locations for the club is necessary, if you have the ability in warm weather or inside for colder months please check below to see if you can host for one month.   The club officers (yes we have officers) have decided this year to give meeting hosts .  It takes time, money and effort to host a meeting and this helps encourage the hosting.$50 for hosting a meeting


August (2024) – Chuck's Under the Stairs Speakeasy (West Arvada)

September (2024) – Dave's Commercial Club House (Westminster)