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Chris, Gordon, Bob A., Jeff, Colter, Rick, Cody, Mick, Jim S., Jim N., Sam, Ryan, Bob Z., Thad, Eric, Chuck
Meeting Recap:

Thad has a ton of apricot extract and would be willing to provide it to any members that would be willing to use it. You can reply to this email and I can pass along the word or you can find club members info on the website also if you want to reach out.
- Bob A. – Bavarian Pils – 5.5% – Pilsner + Vienna Malt, Magnum + Saaz Hops, 2206 yeastFinished at 1.02. A sweet and clean beer. Some mentioned that a larger yeast pitch might clean up the profile of the beer a bit; a solid attempt at lagering.
- Jeff – Mexican Vienna Lager – Made with 2 lbs of corn, brewed with Hallertau hops and Fermented with WL Mexican Lager 940 yeast. Great ester profile and a delicious malty backbone made this beer an amazing treat for summer.
- Jim S. – Helles "Edel hell" – Bohemian Pils, Vienna, Ayinger yeast, brewed with Hersbrucker, Mittelfruh whole hops, krausened and lagered for 12 weeks. A cleanly fermented beer with nice aromatics from the yeast with the high level of carbonation in this brew. Some color commentary about the subtle smokiness was mentioned, many others didn't perceive any smokiness as I don't think the joint made it to that end of the table, puff puff pass and so on.
- Thad – Marzen – Perceived as nearly a MarzenIPA for the high level of bitter hops that came through on this brew. There was conversation about if the hops levels were intentional or if this was the result of a mishap.
- Bob Z. – We might forgive Bob for bringing this beer but not until we get a few wisecracks in about what to name it. Bob thought it might be a Dark Lark Lager but this was quickly rebranded as a Irish Lager. The hops came into questions as to their experimental flavors such as butter and toffee. The best-suggested name for the brew was Movie Theater Lager. One of my favorite Bob Z. quotes comes to mind "You know we are supposed to bring our best beers to the meetings!". Apparently, there was a mix up with the beers and this was not what Bob intended to bring. Next time leave the Country Crock at home for the eggs and toast.
- Rick – American Agave Wheat – Brewed with sweet orange peel and agave nectar. A beautiful copper and orange colored brew that is seriously summer appropriate. "This is a patio drinking beer" was mentioned. The sweet smell of the orange peel can through so strong even Gordon could smell it.
- Ryan – Session Pale – 4.3% – Noted as the "Beer Mimosa" or "Orange Crush" this brew had a bold profile to it being backed with El Dorado, Grapefruit and Orange zest in secondary. An amazing summertime brew that held an intense aroma that could be smelled before it made its way down the table.
- Jim S. – Saison "Golden Hen" – Brewed with Belgian Pils, C15 °, Torrified Wheat, Amber Candi Sugar with Wyeast 3726 and bottle conditioned. This beer had amazing subtle malt complexities that played nicely off of the profile laid out by the yeast. A very smooth and mellow Saison, a very summertime brew.
- Jim S. – Farmhouse "Haymaker" – Weyermann Pils Cara Hels, Torrified Wheat, with Saaz, Styrian Goldings and Saison II (Dupont) yeast. Highlighting a subtle fruit and clove taste to it with a bit of funk to the profile. It was mentioned that there is a touch of the horse blanket taste to it that accented the "super cool funk" that it had going for it.
- Chris – ESB – 4.7%- Brewed with 2-row, C60
°, C80
°, EKG, Fuggles and Admiral hops, brewed on London ESB Ale yeast. Copper in color with a strong and lasting bitter profile. This brew had a "very quaffable" appeal to it. - Mick – Dark Ale – Made with Munich, C45
°, Amber, Roasted Victory Malts and brewed with Chinook, Cascade and Hallertau hops and fermented on WY1028. This beer was smooth and crisp. - Jim N. – Westmalle Tripel Clone – 9.3% – Brewed with Pils MAlt, Cane Sugar, Goldings, Saaz and Tettnanger Hops. Fermented on WLP530. This beer carried with it perceptions of honey and a floral bouquet, a beautiful brew.
- Cody – Tripel – 8% – This beer was brewed with both 1214 & 3787 yeast that finished at 1004. Thanks for bringing this great beer back for another sample.
- Eric – Pale Ale – This was a split batch beer was a Belgian Pale Ale malt bill brewed on American yeast.
- Colter – "Shitty IPA" and that isn't just a clever name. The highlight of this brew is the story behind it. It was brewed in one hour with a 15-minute boil as an experiment. Hopped with Amarillo and Mosaic; this beer was intensely bitter with perceptions of orange peel and slight pine.
- Rick – NEIPA – 7.3% – This "Juice Bomb" featured Azacca, TT hops, and Lactose. A big beer with intense flavors that were bold and carried through.
- Ryan – Satans Water – 20% – Brewed with 2-row, Munich, C50°, Caramunich, Wheat, Special B, and Saaz hops. Brewed back in January of 2018 this beer was dubbed as "Sam Adams Triple Bach". It featured flavors as bark, coconut, anise, leather, and jerky.
- Chris – Cherry Mead – Sweet cherry mead that smelled like a burgundy.
- Evan – 2013 Mead – This is the first time a bottle of this was opened where it didn't have intense alcohol burn. It has mellowed out and had distinct flavors that have arisen although it is a honey and water only batch.
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