Club Update:
The July meeting was a road trip for those of us brave enough to make it. Some of us carpooled, some of us didn't, but all of us thought about the dedication that Sam Lemons puts into every attendance of our meetings up North. Sam represents his space in Littleton with this amazing brewing space, sipping patio, and dog training facility he has at his house. He has truly adapted his space in his house to his brewing process. The evening was calm and pleasant in contrast to the other meetings, we didn't have 45 beers to get though, we had time to listen to each other. This relaxed pace gave us time to talk, drink, and converse in topics of process and ideas relating to homebrewing.

To Can Seamer, or not to Can Seamer, that is the question:
So Gorndon wants a seamer, 7/9 dudes won't pony up? WTF. Totally cool. Who else is throwing in on this? More or none?
If this has no traction lately, I have to find that hundo Gordon gave me.