Next Meeting:
As the new year marches in many of us may have beer resolutions to make for ourselves. They might be; brewing more batches, brewing more consistently great beer, or trying out some things we have had on the back burner for some time now. Some of us have DIY projects in the works that need completing this year or some of us may have much more simple goals like brewing a new style we enjoy. No matter if you have been in the homebrewing game for many years or decades; or if you are still dialing in your processes we all have room to grow and learn in this hobby.
Based on the last meeting some great conversation came up that was noteworthy. It seems even some of the more experienced brewers in our club do not deviate from their standard brew day schedules to test new theories out or to try new procedures. Some items that are worth looking into this year if you have never tried them:
- Krausening a beer
- Lagering a beer
- Brew an ice distilled beer
- Brewing a raw ale
- Barrel aging a beer
- Do a kettle soured beer
- Try doing a no chill brew day
- Designing a beer label for your brews
- Trying a new spice, fruit, or ingredient in your beer
- Performing a decoction mash
- Building a water profile from RO water
- Fining beer for clarity
- Brewing a mead or a cider
- Stir plating up yeast
- Brewing a zero IBU IPA
- Toasting your own grains
- Brewing beer in outer space for an ultra low oxygenation environment
Cheers to new brews, new experiments, new equipment, and more great times with the club!

ISpindel build:

The orders have taken for the iSpindel project. We had a good amount of members want to get in on this project. Colter began working on the first test of this project recently. We should be looking at a build date in February or March once all of the parts come in. Stay posted for more information.
Gordon x2
Ryan x1
Robin x1
Chris x2
Eric x2
Evan x3
Cody x2
Jeff x1
Voss x2
Total: 16

Meeting Info:
Where: Some Place Else Brewery
Location: 6425 W 52nd Ave, Arvada, CO 80002
Time: 7:00pm
Bring your finest homebrewed creations and opinions on all things homebrewing.
December Meeting Recap:
Jim, Chris, Cody, Jay, Ryan, Andrew, Evan, Gordon, Colter, Bob Z., Bob A., and Mick
Meeting Recap:
A huge thank you to Jim Spaulding for hosting all of us at his beer barn for the December meeting. It was quite nice to have a different venu for us to share our beers and celebrate the end of the year.

- Chris – ESB – This malty brew came in balanced and finished with a slight tangy end on it.
- Cody – Belgian Golden Ale – 10% – This bubbly and aromatic beer was bottle conditioned and brewed in August. Brewed with Pils malt and fermented on Wyerman 1388 yeast it had a sweet and delicious quality to it.
- Jim S. – Strong Golden – This pale yellow brew had a nice fruit and funk quality to it.
- Colter – American Brown – This roasty 6% brew was made all from malt that he acquired at the swap meet meeting. Brewed on US-06 this beer was smooth.
- Mick – Nut Brown – 5% – This "Samuel Smiths" style brew was done in a partial mash with Maris Otter, Chocolate malt, C60, and Munich 30. Fermented on WY1098. This beer featured a chocolate profile that was roasty as well as a but nutty.
- Andrew – Pirate Strong Beer – With an ABV of "Fuck I don't know" this beer had a sweet molasses profile to it with an infusion of toffee, malt, salt and as noted "Rum and Raisin, that is all I can small off this beer"
- Jim S. – Wee Heavy – At 9.1% This highly carbonated beer you could taste the age on it and the buckets of caramel and toffee qualities. At 2 years old this brew seems to have hit its stride.
- Bob Z. – Baltic Porter – This dark brew offered a great nose and rang in at 8%, Brewed on Salale-05.
- Jay – American Stout – At 8% this mildly roasty and chocolate brew was low carbonated and a touch thin. This brew was an attempt at an Deschutes Obsidian clone.
- Evan + Jeff – Barrel Aged Milk Stout – at somewhere north of 11% this milk stout has some age on it as it was brewed in November 2017. This sweet and bourbon infused brew offered complex qualities that some even defined as a subtle mint quality. Other noted "I dig this beer".
- Bob A. – Honey Badger IPA – at 6.3% this beer dont give a fuck. Featuring Mosaic hops and Chinook hops from Voss for the aroma this beer was clean and tasty with no apologies.
- Jim S. – English IPA – This pale yellow colored brew featured EKG and Fuggles whole hops and finished crisp and clean.
- Bob Z. – IPA – Nice clean and malty profile with a deep bittering hop and backbone to it; with hints of sweetness and apricot flavor.
- Ryan – American IPA – This was the "kitchen sink" of brews, utilizing nearly everything laying around this house that needed to go. This straw colored beer featured a punch of hop flavor using everything from Columbus, Eureka, to some Odd 13 strange hops that were gifted to him. There was even a hit of pineapple perceived in this brew.
- Ryan – Rye Imperial Stout – At 14% this brew featured flavors like marshmellow, coconut, chocolate, vanilla, a a touch or spicy rye. As noted "It's like a party in my mouth and everyone is invited"
- Ryan – Port Stout – same as last months notes, I didn't write anything down for this beer.
- Gordon – Sinister Minister – A Belgian Dark Strong beer made by Arvada Brewing Company, for those of who do not remember or have not lived in Colorado this long this is the location that OTMP used to gather at before their closing at the end of 2015. So, somehow Gordon kept this growler in the back of his fridge either waiting for the apocalypse or this December's meeting to crack it open, well I guess the December 2019 meeting took place first. This growler was full of sludge at the bottom of it and featured a generally flat beer that was extraordinarily sweet and malty. Photo below: