Club Update:
As we say goodbye to the warm weather and outdoor activities that we all enjoyed this summer we can now look forward to the next phase of the year. Celebrating indoors with our friends and loved ones and maybe spending a little more time on our hobbies than we had over the summer. With all of the hobbies within the hobby of homebrewing you might find yourself amidst a remodel project, a DIY project building yourself some homebrewing gadgets or just building out your next Winter warmer recipe. We can all take a moment to step back and see how all of us in the club come from different angles of the ber world but all coalesce on the notion that we are hands on people that enjoy testing, building and impacting the environment around us with the things we make and the things that we do. What a great time to be a homebrewer, with all the resources, knowledge, and tools available to us; I ask you, what is your next beer project?

To Can Seamer, or not to Can Seamer, that is the question:
As of now we have 4 club members that have paid:
- Gordon (Cash)
- Evan (Cash)
- Colter (Venmo)
- Jeff (Cash)
If you want to get in on the last 5 slots available you can Venmo Evan @Evan-Sherlock-3 or Paypal: paypal.me/DrESherlock.
Take note that the prices have gone up lately on these devices.
We need to decide what can end type is best suited, any guidance here might be helpful:

November Meeting – Club Swap Meet:
Back by popular demand our second ever club swap meet will be taking place in November. So dust off those boxes of items that you thought you were going to love and cherish. Go rummage through your freezer for those 8 year old experimental hops that you ever got around to using. Someone just might want your old junk, and better yet, you might get to take home someone else's treasures. So go look around for some of those items cluttering up your space and gift them to someone else, it is the true spirit of the season of Thanksgiving.