Club Update:
Ryan here again. I have now completely overturned Evan's presidency. I stormed his house last week and was successful. In all seriousness, I'm just filing in again for January.
As we jump into the new year, I do want to talk about a popular topic: Dry January. Why do people do a dry January? My theory is that the hard partying of December is regretful and people feel the need to overcorrect for January. Bars, breweries and in particular liquor stores are slammed in December, then trickle along into January. Gyms are absurdly crowded for the first few weeks of January, when everyone decides they'll work out for the first time in decades because a calendar year has changed and the pressure from society tells them that they must have a noble goal to better themselves. I've noticed breweries are playing into this as well. Wiley Roots released “Almost Dry” a 3.x% abv light lager. Dry Dock is releasing N/A (under .5% abv) Apricot Blonde. That's basically just carbonated fruit juice at that point, right? Quit the alcohol, but don't worry about the sugar! In any case, I hope I did not offend too many people with my little rant. If you need a break from alcohol, whether temporary or permanent, absolutely take one. But don't do it because it's the 1st of a month/year, do it because it's right for you.
This month we'll be online again. We've discussed doing an outdoor meeting in the near future if the cases don't spike/weather warms up in the coming months. It'll be a decision made far closer to Feb or March's meeting date, so we can assess weather and health rules.
And finally, I want to throw a shout out to Mash Paddler Colter's homebrewing podcast: Homebrewing DIY. Colter just did his 70th episode this week with a friend of mine named Dan Moore. Dan is a former professional brewer who is piloting some warm, pressure fermented lagers for a potential future brewery. It's a really interesting show. Great job on 70 episodes Colter. You can just google Homebrewing DIY to find his podcast, or look anywhere where podcasts are hosted. It's completely free, though he won't turn down new Patreons (and they get some cool perks too).
Cheers to a better 2021. Oh no, I'm falling for the new year/new me stuff too!
Meeting Info:
Where: The World Wide Web
Location: The Internets
Time: 7:00 pm
Beer Trade for this months meeting:
Brewers wanting to participate in a beer trade for the meeting can jump on the forums and orchestrate how the trades go. Thanks Colter for getting this conversation going.
Meeting Link: