Club Update:
The June meeting was amazing in so many ways. We were hosted at Charles basement brewery and bar. The crowd was in full swing and I am fairly certain that my ears were still ringing on the bike ride home as the shit talking and jokes were in full swing. We got to see some faces that we have not seen in many months and of course the brews were top notch and helped facilitate an amazing sense of community and joy. Much thanks to our host and our club for the continued support of doing home meetings and being a truly independent club. Let the good times roll!

To Can Seamer, or not to Can Seamer, that is the question:
The answer is a yes, there is an obvious interest in purchasing a can seamer. The general consensus from the club seems to be that an Oktober can seamer would be the logical investment. Gordon opened the gates of the deal by throwing in a crisp $100 from his wallet. At the moment we have 8 members interested in placing money against the purchase. Names were not gathered on who had committed money against the project, I am also into throwing $100 against it, based on the forums Chuck, Charles. If you have committed to this purchase please bring $100 cash to the next meeting or you can contact me for Venmo/Paypal information.
The next logical statement with regard to this investment was who gets to use it. Some thoughts were thrown around about how this can be managed. If you are an initial investor in the project you would have free reign to use the canner. If you didn't make the initial investment you would be charged a small fee for the rental; $15, $20? (Thoughts and feedback will be gathered at the next meeting). The rental fee would help maintain the canner and also go into investments of cans.
The model we would be considering is the Oktober SL1 as this is the one that fits our price range. Information can be found in the link below. I am not certain of can end type we would need for our configuration and for a more competitive can purchasing, I know Ryan had some information on this. Look it over if you have interest in this investment and bring feedback to the next meeting.